Chapter VI: Act VIII

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Cloud Retainer
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(F/n) watched as a hand snatches one of their dango sticks that they had bought themselves an hour or two prior, and slowly brought their dark blue eyes upward, staring blankly at the perpetrator.

Tomo sat off to the side, signing off paperwork and nibbling on one of the dango sticks that he had stolen from his boss.

The feline gave a pissed-off expression as they got up onto their feet and walked over to the older male.

Tomo lifted his head and took notice of his young boss. "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice muffled a bit.

(F/n) gave a joyful close-eyed smile. "Oh, just watching you eat MY dango," they answered.

Tomo realized what was about to happen and froze. "Boss, it's not what it looks like." He pleaded.

"Really? 'Cause, it looks like you're snacking on one of the sweets I bought myself," (F/n) retorted.

A loud yelp of pain was heard as a sharp and painful kick was sent to the back of Tomo's head.

Tomo gripped the back of his head and pouted. "I'm sorry!" He apologized.

(F/n) relaxed from the fighting stance they used to kick the sitting figure and angrily pouted.

"You should've thought about that before I caught you stealing my sweets, damn it!" (F/n) scolded.

Tomo continued to pout in a depressed state. "Sorry..." He apologized once more.

(F/n) humphed before turning away from the older one. "Get back to work, and don't you dare steal another stick from me!"

Tomo nodded his head with sweat dripping down the side of his face. "Got it, boss!"

With their back turned and Tomo's attention off of them, (F/n) lifted a closed fist to their lips and quietly giggled into it, hiding a smile.

'You're such a dork, Tomo.' They mused before going back to what they were originally doing.


"Hey, who put this table here? They've even set it ready for dinner, there's a wine jug and everything... Ooh, they even have the guests' names carved into the seats! "Here sits Retainer"... "Here sits Guizhong"... "Here sits Rex"... "Here sits"... this name is faded, I wonder whose name was here. Maybe "Rex" is short for "Rex Lapis"? But Paimon has no idea about "Guizhong" and this faded person's name. As for "Retainer", hmm... That's it! When Moon Carver was going through the names of his adepti buddies, he said there was one called "Cloud Retainer". So, this must be where Cloud Retainer and the other adepti have their dinner parties! Hehe, how about we cook up some extra-special dishes for the adepti? We're sure to get Cloud Retainer's attention that way! But... What do adepti even eat, anyway? Paimon has no idea..." Paimon trailed off, giving a thoughtful look.

(Y/n) hummed lowly and took notice of a nearby recipe sheet, and went straight over to it.

"Hmm, people must make offerings here all the time. Guess all we can do is look around the area for any leftovers, maybe that'll give us some ideas. Do you think maybe it's all possible that the adepti might like to try some... Sticky honey roast?" Paimon asked in excitement.


Paimon, Aether, and (Y/n) released a sigh of relief once they finished off the several puzzles that would lead them to the top of Cloud Retainer's abode.

It took them about fifteen or so minutes to figure it out due to having to fight multiple monsters on the way up.

Outside of the said abode, sat three dishes that were recommended to give Cloud Retainer.

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