Chapter VII: Act IX

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Kokomi and Gorou
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"So, you used to carry an Electro vision on you?" (Y/n) asked, raising a brow at the ash-blonde beside him.

Tomo nodded his head. "Yep," he answered.

(Y/n) thought for a quick moment before remembering that dead vision that Kazuha carries on him.

"I thought that visions die with their owner?" (Y/n) replied, dumbfounded.

Tomo casually shrugged his shoulders. "I thought that way too. (F/n) said it might've been a glitch or something in the world. I don't think that's possible though," he retorted.

(Y/n) glanced over at the said feline, noticing that the said sixteen-year-old wasn't even paying attention – or so he thought.

During the small conversation, (F/n) was gazing down at the ground with their dark blue eyes sparkling a bit as if they knew something that (Y/n) and Tomo didn't.

Xiao glanced over at the ocean that would have multiple encounters with the thunderstorm and lightning that stormed heavily above them all.

The group went quiet after that, wanting to enjoy the remaining silence before they reached Watatsumi Island, which hopefully wouldn't take too long.


Several hours later, the group was able to make it to Watatsumi Island with the help of a waypoint that would summon ships if it was needed.

A loud groan of relief left (F/n)'s lips as they threw their arms behind their head, nearly smacking both Tomo and Xiao in the face.

"We finally fucking made it," they cheered.

"Looks like it," Tomo agreed looking around his surroundings.

(Y/n) and Xiao watched as (F/n) kicked away a small pebble that was in the sand.

"We're here looking for Sangonomiya Kokomi and her general Gorou... who is a fanboy of (Y/n)," (F/n) explained while whispering the last part of their sentence under their breath.

Xiao's eyes narrowed down at the ombre bluenette before him, hearing what the other had said quietly.

(F/n) just smiled and looked off into the distance. "We'll have to travel over a ravine closer to the camp. But right now, let's have fun trying not to get electrocuted!" They beamed.

Tomo deadpanned. "Sounds festive," he retorted bluntly.

"I know, right!?" (F/n) grinned, their ears perking up with excitement.

As Tomo and (F/n) made their way first, Xiao pulled (Y/n) into a quick kiss on the lips before following the two squawking idiots in front of him.

(Y/n) gave an amused smile seeing how the tips of Xiao's ears were red but didn't say anything as he followed after the trio; making sure that they would have at least some protection in the back so they weren't ambushed.


"Hello, fuckers!" (F/n)'s voice echoed as they, Tomo, Xiao, and (Y/n) entered the camp.

Some of the Resistance looked over and deadpanned when they realized who created that weird entrance.

"Oh, (F/n)!" A male's voice exclaimed in a warm welcome.

"Gorou!" (F/n) greeted back.

The said General came walking out from the tent he was standing inside and took notice of all the visitors.

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