Chapter VIII: Act I

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The Nation of Wisdom!
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(F/n) rushed forward, nearly tripping over their feet so that they could throw their arms over their head, and stretched.

The feline felt relieved to get out of the small cave entrance that led the group to their next destination.


Paimon gazed at her surroundings as she educated the group. "Now that we've made it to Sumeru, our next objective should be to head to Sumeru City and find a way to meet with Lesser Lord Kusanali. And speaking of Lesser Lord Kusanali, even though we haven't heard too much about her, she doesn't seem to be the same deity who abducted your sister..." She trailed off.

"Don't go running off, (F/n)!" (Y/n) scolded as he watched as the said feline head off farther away from the group.

"But even so, people call Sumeru the "Nation of Wisdom," you know. If we can get a chance to meet the God of Wisdom, maybe she can give us some information," Paimon explained.

Aether looked over at (Y/n) and (F/n) for a quick second, before turning his attention back to Paimon and nodding his head in agreement. "Alright, sounds like a plan."

Paimon laughed nervously. "But, uh... Paimon doesn't know the way to Sumeru City... Maybe we can climb up to that spot with the Statue of The Seven on it? That'll give us a way better view of things! Even if we can't see exactly where the city is, at least we'll be able to check for some smaller settlements nearby," she retorted.

(Y/n) and the group went silent when they noticed a woman heading in their direction.

"Wait a second, look! There's someone up ahead! Perfect timing! Now we can just ask for directions rather than wander around like lost adventurers," Paimon points out.

(Y/n) deadpanned. "Aren't we already lost?" He questioned.

Paimon pouted. "Shush!" She huffed out.

(F/n) came walking back over to the group, biting into a peach that they were able to find.

"Hey there. Uh... we're not from around here and seem to have gotten a little lost... We'd like to ask for some directions!" Paimon called out to the woman, just to be ignored.

This confused Paimon. "Huh? Did they not hear Paimon? HEY! You over there! Could you give us some directions?" She called out once more.

The woman paused. "Huh?" She mumbled before heading off once more.

"Mmh? Did I miss something?" (F/n) asked, staring in confusion despite already knowing what happened.

(Y/n) sweatdropped. "They got ignored by a woman that didn't notice us," he answered.

"...Damn," (F/n) muffled out.

"What's going on here? There's no way she could've missed that... Wait! Could she be ignoring us!? How dare she?" Paimon gasped out in disbelief.

Aether shook his head. "Or maybe there's a reason she ignored us?" He questioned.

Paimon pouted angrily. "Hmph! Well, even so, she might be heading someplace where we could find other people to ask. Let's keep our distance and follow her! When we get the chance, we'll just ask someone else for directions," she states.

(F/n) was the first to move from the group, and headed off in the direction of where that green-haired woman went off to.

The other three looked at each other before following after the young feline that kept jumping into the water, splashing them with it once in a while.

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