Chapter VII: Act IV

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Golden Hour
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"Come on, hurry up!" (F/n) huffed out, pulling (Y/n) in the direction of Chinju Forest.

"You're going to make us trip!" (Y/n) scolded the teenager before him, who just pouted angrily.

"Then hurry up, slowpoke!" They retorted.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes playfully at the younger as he was dragged into Chinju Forest.

(F/n) looked around and released the (H/c)ette's hand. "Better catch up," they teased before darting deeper into the forest.

(E/c) eyes widened in surprise before softening as their owner ran after the shorter figure.

(F/n) allowed a smile to slip onto their lips as they ducked a low incoming branch that was in their way.

The forest around them glowed and illuminated the whole area, allowing it to look extremely beautiful to the eye. Especially with millions of stars and a moon adding to the natural light.

(Y/n) gave an amused look as he watched (F/n) dance around some of the glowing plants and naku weed that lay in front of the two of them.

Dark blue eyes shimmered as their owner reached a handout, and allowed ice to take shape before crushing it and allowing it to sprinkle to the ground like snow.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as he watched (F/n) slip off their knee-high combat boots and socks, tossing them off to the side and stepping into the river that was reflecting the night back into the beautifully dark atmosphere.

(F/n)'s tail flicked as they felt the coldness of the water reach their ankles before turning to look over at (Y/n) and reaching their hand out.

(Y/n) ran a hand past one of the trees while making his way over to the ombre bluenette with an amused look on his face.

(E/c) eyes made contact with dark blue hues that were dancing with joy and happiness.

The dark blue eyes now seemed to be aquatic thanks to the glow of the moon, stars, and plants that surrounded them.

The sixteen-year-old reached their hand out, even more, wanting the older to grab a hold of it.

A chuckle left (Y/n)'s lips as he slipped off his shoes and socks before making hand contact with the shorter – who was only about 5'2.

Due to both hands intertwining, (F/n) took this chance to pull (Y/n) into the ankle-deep water with them.

This caused water to fly up into the sky, and reflect the beams of light at every angle.

(Y/n) nearly tumbled, but was able to catch his footing before he could fall.

(F/n) gave a close-eyed smile up at the taller before intertwining their empty hands together.

"Come on, dance with me!" They chirped, wrapping their tail around their upper thigh since they didn't want to trip over it.

"You're such a child," (Y/n) chuckled.

"Because I am one, meanie!" (F/n) huffed out in annoyance, despite smiling with pure happiness.

The first one to start dancing was (Y/n) with (F/n) following just a second later.

Drops of water flew up into the sky due to the two dancing gently in the water.

Slowly, the drops of water froze into frozen bubbles and just floated there.

(F/n) kept their eyes on (Y/n)'s relaxed figure as they danced about the frozen bubbles, ignoring that cold sensation that pricked at both of their feet.

Even if it wasn't a sakura tree that they were dancing under like when they were younger... doesn't mean that one spot was just a single memorial stage. Everywhere was a stage if you thought about it.

(Y/n) twirled the ombre bluenette feline – who burst out into laughter as the said younger moved a hand and gripped onto the (H/c)ette's shirt and pulled themselves in closer.

The (H/c)ette slowed down the dancing speed, allowing frozen bubbles to swirl and dance around them in slow motion.

(F/n) stuffed the side of their face into (Y/n)'s abdomen and smiled softly, their eyes softening as their dark blue eyes held a reflection of the beautiful Chinju Forest and frozen bubbles around them.

(Y/n) hummed quietly as he danced and swayed about with the young feline that stayed in his arms.

(F/n) reached a handout and popped a single frozen bubble that glittered beautifully back into the water beneath their feet.

The duo came to a stop as the ombre bluenette leaned against (Y/n)'s tall figure and looked up at the said (H/c)ette.

"Thank you for coming out here with me... (N/n)," (F/n) whispered while purring softly against the warmth the taller figure had.

(Y/n) smiled gently as he ran a hand through (F/n)'s hair and ignored their ears, which caused them to purr a little bit louder with joy.

"It's no problem, really. It was your golden hour to shine," (Y/n) whispered back.

(F/n)'s eyes widened as they made eye contact with the other before giving a small close-eyed smile. "Yeah," they agreed quietly.

The moon, stars, and Chinju Forest illuminated the duo as they brought each other into a hug.

The water reflected right back up at them, capturing the moment between the two of them.

Whether the two were together, or far apart from one another.

They would always find each other.

No matter how long it took.

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