Chapter VI: Act XXVI

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The Fond Farewell
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"Is there anything I can do for you three? I'm afraid that Wangsheng Funeral Parlor isn't in the best of state to receive quests," Ferrylady asked.

Paimon nodded her head. "We've come to see Zhongli. Could you please tell him we're here?" She answered.

Ferrylady gave an apologetic smile. "Unfortunately, Zhongli isn't here at the moment. It seems he went to Northland Bank," she replied.

"Doesn't the Northland Bank belong to the Fatui? Last time we saw Zhongli was before we went to the Golden House... Do you think he doesn't know about the attack on Liyue? Visiting the Fatui at a time like this could only mean more trouble! We better go and make sure that everything is okay," Paimon declared.

"Let's get going, then," (Y/n) agreed before heading off.

"Wah! (Y/n), slow down!" Paimon pouted as she floated quickly after the taller figure.

"This is my normal walking speed," (Y/n) replied in confusion.

"Just... slow down!" Paimon huffed out before settling down onto (Y/n)'s shoulders.

Aether laughed softly as he followed after his crush and his daughter figure.


"You call this "cooperation between Harbingers"? Cooperation involves communication, you know..." Childe's voice pointed out in annoyance.

Signora laughed. "Hehe, don't take it to heart, Childe. Besides, aren't you happy that you got to skip the formalities and bring chaos to the land? I'm sure you must've enjoyed that... Oh, it seems that some of your friends have arrived," Signora states before turning her head toward Aether, Paimon, and (Y/n).

"Hey, it's Zhongli and Childe! And... you! You're also one of the Harbingers..." Paimon exclaimed.

"Signora!" Aether states, his eyes widening a bit.

"Well, damn. It's the ash bitch from Mondstadt," (Y/n) coughed under his breath.

Signora sent a smirk of amusement to the trio. "Haha, it's you three. I believe we've met once before... In the City of Bards, was it? I'm glad you still remember my name. Ah, right. I imagine that it must have been rather hard to forget watching helplessly as something precious was snatched away from your friend," she states.

'Breathe... Just stay calm.' Aether thought.

"Well, if it isn't Aether and (Y/n). This is our first time seeing each other since Liyue was nearly wiped off the map. This is certainly a bit... awkward, wouldn't you say?" Childe asked, wanting to change the tense atmosphere despite failing at that.

"Hmph, Paimon knew that we should never have trusted a Fatui Harbinger!" Paimon exclaimed.

Childe pouted childishly. "Aw, now don't say that. Sure, I may have missed you, but I never had anything against you personally... Besides, I thought we were getting along quite well together, didn't you? Except for that little tussle we had at the end... Haha. Nothing personal, we just have... different views, that's all. Of course, you may very well hold this against me, but that's up to you... The real deceivers here are Signora and Zhongli... curse them for leading me on."

"Signora and Zhongli?" Aether repeated in disbelief.

"So actually, I think-" Childe was cut off.

"Stop wasting time, Childe. There'll be plenty of time to chat once I'm through here. You remember the agreement, Morax. Now, if you would be so kind... The Gnosis, please," Signora ordered.

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