Chapter I: Act III

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Could've Just Asked
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Several days have finally passed, with (Y/n) unexpectedly turning five during one of those days; not caring if he received any gifts or not since he never celebrated his birthday in his old world in the first place.

Goldet was disappointed at that fact but said nothing except for making (F/f) for the young child who appreciated it.

Despite that, (Y/n) was currently sitting inside the kitchen with a curious unnoticeable gaze; wondering if his old culinary skills had transferred into his memory which he decided to try out that day.

"Hmm..." (Y/n) hummed lightly with arms crossed against his chest.

It wasn't much since the next shipping of ingredients had yet to be sent over to the inn.

"Maybe I could make almond tofu?" (Y/n) mumbled underneath his breath, trying to figure out what little these ingredients could make.

The kitchen had leftover ingredients for both jade parcels and almond tofu, which sucked in a way but (Y/n) couldn't make a big deal with it due to a limited selection.

"(Y/n), what are you doing in the kitchen?" Goldet's voice could be heard from behind the child, causing him to nearly fall off of a wooden seat he had taken from upstairs.

(Y/n) gazed into the darkness with wide (E/c) hues that glimmered with unsureness.

Goldet rested a hand on her hip and stared at the child with a raised brow, waiting for an answer from the younger.

(Y/n) released a small squeak from his lips, realizing that he wouldn't be able to get out of this one. 'She reminds me of a mother!' He thought.

Nervously laughing, the (H/c)ette gave Goldet his full attention. "I– um... I was thinking about making something?" He retorted.

Goldet glanced at the ingredients and was amused at the fact that there wasn't much.

"What do you plan on making?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit.

(Y/n) blinked, "Jade parcels or almond tofu since that's what the remaining ingredients can make... why?" He asked in confusion.

Goldet hummed lightly as she looked up towards the roof and gave a teasing smile. "Just make sure you don't hurt yourself, okay?" She retorted.

This confused the child even more but didn't question it. 'I know he likes almond tofu, but what are you planning?' He wondered.

"I'll make sure I won't injure myself." (Y/n) reassured.

Goldet placed a hand onto (Y/n)'s head and ruffled his hair a bit. "I'll be at the front desk if you need me," she states before turning away and walking off.

(Y/n) stared at where he thought where Goldet was and had a dot-eyed expression underneath the blindfold.

'Aether, I'm scared.' (Y/n) mentally cried, wanting the male he had kept on his team since the beginning that had yet to make an appearance in his life.


Goldet turned her attention and noticed how (Y/n) had kept moving around the kitchen blindly while picking up sunsettia and apples that were thankfully left over which mused her.

"Almond tofu, jade parcels, and fruit?" She whispered, taking in the gentle sweetness of the almond tofu that was being made at the bottom of the stairs that sat to her left.

The woman couldn't lie though, it was as if the (H/c)ette knew what he was doing despite having a blindfold hiding away his sense of sight.

Footsteps captured her attention and noticed that it was her husband, Huai'an.

Greeting with a gentle smile, she waved the man over.

Huai'an stared at his wife in confusion but made his way over anyway. "What is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman that wanted his attention.

Goldet giggled softly and pointed in the direction of (Y/n). "Doesn't that smell delicious?" She asked in an amused tone.

Huai'an nodded his head due to him smelling the scent the minute he stepped into the inn, amazed to see it was the (H/c) hair-colored child that had turned his wife into a mama bear.

"It's amazing how he's able to walk in the kitchen with no eyesight," he states with a gentle chuckle.

Goldet frowned lightly. "Do you think it's because he never had a childhood and was somewhat forced to cook his food?" She asked.

Huai'an gave a reassuring look. "If that ever did happen, don't worry. Knowing you, you'll probably give him the best childhood a child could ask for." He retorted with a smile on his lips.

A quiet cry of surprise captured Goldet's attention, causing her to turn in the direction of the sound. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?" She called down.

Huai'an stared lovingly at his wife with a soft gaze, watching as she worried for a young child a certain Yaksha had brought in.

"I'm okay! Almost tripped over the air!" (Y/n)'s voice exclaimed back, not wanting to worry the woman that had been taking care of them.

Goldet just laughed lightly at that response. "He is like our child," she mused.

Huai'an saw the look his wife had on her face and gave a thoughtful hum. "Would you like to adopt him despite just knowing him for several days?" He asked.

Goldet jerked her head in her husband's direction with wide eyes that sparkled in surprise and excitement.

"Really?" She asked in hope, wishing that her husband wasn't lying one bit.

Huai'an chuckled lightly when he saw his wife brighten up with pure hope and nodded his head. "Really," he repeated.

Goldet smiled happily at the answer she received and watched as her soon-to-be adopted son come stumbling up the stairs from the kitchen with a plate of jade parcels and a plate of almond tofu with fruit on the side in hand; along with two untouched spoons.

Huai'an and Goldet raised a brow in amusement and curiosity. "Jade parcels and almond tofu? You made both?" Goldet questioned.

"Uh-huh, I didn't want the ingredients to go to waste." (Y/n) casually answered before placing down the jade parcels onto the desk first and heading upstairs with the plate of almond tofu and the spoon.

"I hope that the Yaksha doesn't become picky on how he eats almond tofu now," Goldet said with a sigh leaving past her lips.

"We can just hope," Huai'an replied.

It didn't take long for (Y/n) to come back down, pick up the jade parcels, and made his way back upstairs once more.

"That boy." Huai'an sighed with an amused chuckle.


The moment (Y/n) stepped outside with jade parcels, he could feel the Yaksha's eyes on him.

Blinking, the figure seemed to look away with disinterest as they ate the almond tofu that the (H/c)ette made.

Pouting, (Y/n) stuffed a piece of the jade parcel into his mouth. "Could've just asked, mister." He huffed out.

'Haha! Looks like my old culinary skills from cooking class did get sent over... now, please don't become picky on having me make it for you every time, I can't cook actual good shit to save my life.' (Y/n) thought while mentally sighing.

The Yaksha glanced at the small child beside him with a heavy frown before deciding the speak a little.

"It's... good." The Yaksha mumbled while looking away, questioning why his karmic debt wasn't bothering the mortal beside him.

"You're welcome, mister." (Y/n) retorted back, not wanting to bother the figure that was once on his main team with Aether before he had died.

Finishing up the jade parcels, (Y/n) left the other male in his thoughts.

The Yaksha lowered the spoon from his lips and gazed up towards the sky. "What a strange mortal..." He mumbled.

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