Chapter V: Act IX

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Saving Dvalin
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Paimon floated over to (Y/n) and landed on his head. "Whatcha reading, (Y/n)?" She asked, tilting her head a bit.

(Y/n) snapped the packet of papers he were holding shut and looked up at Paimon, his (E/c) eyes drifting upward. "Something," they retorted.

Paimon softly pouted at the little to no answer she received. "Aw, why can't you tell Paimon?" She lightly complained.

The (H/c)ette sweatdropped at the child on his head before mentally sighing in disappointment. "It's... private information, Paimon. Sorry," they apologized.

Paimon huffed softly as she nuzzled her head into (Y/n)'s (H/c) locks, which tickled her face a bit.

(Y/n)'s eyes stared ahead with a blank stare and frowned a bit. 'Sorry, Paimon. I can't tell you just yet when I'm just somewhat finally figuring out where I belong in this world.' He thought.

"Looks like this is the front gate to Stormterror's Lair. The gate is enormous to us... But still, Paimon wonders how Dvalin gets in there with a body that huge?" Paimon wondered out loud.

This caused Venti to giggle. "He doesn't walk in, he flies in." He retorted.

"...Oh. Hmm, you do have a point." Paimon states with a sigh.

The group surrounded the entrance, taking notice of the barrier that was blocking them.

"It's stuck," Paimon points out.

"It's stuck," Venti retorted, copying Paimon.

Paimon gave an annoyed look before looking upward. "Hey, check out that roof. Is there a giant hole in it?" She questioned.

Everyone looked up and over, noticing that there was exactly a hole in the ruined building that would lead them to Dvalin.

Venti placed a hand on his chin. "Hmm... I suppose we could make use of that wind current," he states.

Paimon nodded her head in agreement. "Let's make a detour then. Heading up!"

"Let's make a detour then. Heading up!" Venti copied.

Jean took a step back as she watched (Y/n) walk to the middle between the two and... smacked both of their heads.

"Wah! What was that for, (Y/n)!" Paimon whined, holding the back of her head with her hands.

Venti just pouted as he rubbed his head, trying to get rid of the throbbing sensation.

"Stop acting like little kids and behave, we're not here for your guys' childish antics." (Y/n) scolded, giving the two a stink eye.

Paimon huffed lightly as she and Venti nodded their heads.

Aether sweatdropped at the three and just nervously smiled.

Diluc sighed but rolled his eyes in amusement.

Jean smiled a bit. "Don't worry, (Y/n) is usually quite talkative in certain areas. You just... gotta wait until they're comfortable with you," she reassured Aether.

Aether blushed a bit but gave a silent thanks at the information he was given. Maybe one of these days he'll have a full conversation with (Y/n), but right now wasn't the time.

They had to save Dvalin.


Venti released a heavy sigh from his lips. "Oh, we can't advance any further. The ruins seem to be guarded by ancient seals," he states as he and the others stood inside the ruins that they were finally able to enter thanks to the wind currents they all followed up.

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