Chapter VI: Act I

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Up next, Liyue!
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Paimon slammed her body into (Y/n)'s figure once she noticed the said male walking up to her and Aether.

"(Y/n)!" She squealed out in pure excitement, rubbing her face into the said (H/c)ette's chest.

(Y/n) sweatdropped at the child's happiness but didn't say anything as he looked over at a surprised and relieved Aether.

"Oh? Are you heading to Liyue, too?" Aether asked in curiosity, tilting his head off to the side.

(Y/n) turned his attention to Aether and nodded his head. "Yeah, getting a little homesick for being in Mondstadt for the past two years," he answered.

Paimon made a sound of recognition. "Oh yeah! You told Paimon and Aether that you were from Liyue, didn't you?" She retorted.

The (H/c)ette hummed lowly with a shrug of his shoulders.

Aether gave a thoughtful look before nodding his head at what popped into his head.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Aether's voice piped up, capturing the said figure's attention.

(E/c) eyes drifted over to Aether's eyes of honey brown, their owner lifting a brow in confusion.

"Yeah? What is it?" (Y/n) asked, looking down at the blonde-haired boy beside him.

Aether gulped quietly as he started to feel nervous about what he was about to ask but decided to go for it. "I was wondering if it's possible for you to travel with us? You don't have to, of course!" He quickly states, waving his hands in front of his face.

The (H/c)ette gave a dot-eyed expression at the flustered figure in front of him before mentally sighing.

"Sure," (Y/n) replied.

Aether froze when he heard the other agree and felt relieved.

Paimon giggled lightly at the lovestruck blonde but didn't say anything as she snuggled into (Y/n)'s arms.

Aether's eyes drifted down to a dead vision on (Y/n)'s boots and his eyes widened a bit.

Paimon seemed to break the question first, though. "Hey, (Y/n)? Why do you have a dead vision on you?" Paimon asked in pure curiosity as Aether and (Y/n) started walking down a dirt path.

(E/c) eyes looked up to the sky with a blank look, no knowledgeable emotion in them.

Aether felt a shiver go up his spine when he saw the emotionless (E/c) hues.

There was one question running through his mind but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

"It belonged to my... birth mother," (Y/n) bluntly answered.

Paimon felt as if she was being held down to the ground with a powerful force - despite her still floating and being in (Y/n)'s arms - and shivered a bit. "Oh, um... sorry for asking," she apologized.

(Y/n) blinked, his eyes turning back to the normal bright shade of (E/c). "No worries."

Paimon laid her head onto the (H/c)ette's forearms and gave a thoughtful look. 'Huh... (Y/n) is kinda... scary when his eyes become all dark and emotionless. Maybe those stories I heard about him from people I passed by were true?' She wondered.

Aether fidgeted with his fingers as he walked with (Y/n), trying to figure out how to start off a conversation with the taller figure.

"So... how's the weather?" The blonde nervously asked, looking up at the (H/c)ette.

(Y/n) blinked before taking in the question which caused a chuckle to erupt from his lips, causing him to cover his lips with a closed fist.

Aether flushed lightly as he heard Paimon's giggle due to the awkward question.

"That was the cutest thing ever," (Y/n) snickered lightly.

Aether's cheeks flushed even darker as he pouted angrily. "You think of a better one!" He exclaimed.

Paimon gave a teasing smile as she released herself from (Y/n)'s arms and floated behind the two, wanting to watch the small drama.

The next few words left (Y/n)'s lips, which broke Aether within that instance.


Aether could be seen covering his flustered face with his hands as Paimon and (Y/n) talked quietly behind him.

The small flirty comment echoed through his head, causing him to blush every single time it wouldn't leave him.

"Who knew that our very own sunshine was such a cutie." (Y/n) teased lightly, smiling down at the blonde.

Aether glared lightly at the taller figure. "Stop saying that!" He exclaimed with a soft huff leaving his lips.

(Y/n) grinned lightly as he bent himself forward a bit, making sure to be near Aether's face.

"Can I call you mine? Because I would love for you to call me yours," (Y/n) flirted.

'AHHH, why won't that pickup line leave!' Aether thought as he shook his head back and forth, wanting to calm down his heated face.

Paimon looked over at her companion and giggled. "Paimon thinks you broke Aether, (Y/n)!" She exclaimed.

(Y/n) looked over and laughed softly, realizing what Paimon said was true. "I didn't mean too," he replied.

Paimon looked ahead and took notice of a familiar inn off into the distance and teleported a little ahead.

"Look, we're almost there!" Paimon beamed with excitement.

Aether lowered his hands from his face and saw that Paimon was telling the truth.

(Y/n) decided to speak up.

"That's Wangshu Inn. I think it's best if we rest there for the night before taking tomorrow morning to continue on foot to the harbor," (Y/n) piped up.

Paimon was about to say something but her stomach decided to grumble in response.

Aether gave a deadpanned stare at the young girl, narrowing his eyes upon the younger.

(Y/n) laughed lightly. "We'll get some food there as well, Paimon."

Paimon gave an embarrassed smile but she nodded in excitement. "Then let's hurry! Paimon's starving!" She exclaimed before floating off ahead.

Aether raced after the child, not wanting to lose her.

(Y/n) lifted a (S/c) hand to his forehead, and narrowed down on a familiar figure on top of Wangshu Inn.

Grinning, the (H/c)ette cupped his hands over his lips. "I'm home, Xiao!" He hollered.

Barely three seconds later, the said Yaksha appeared in front of the (H/c)ette, glaring up at the taller figure.

(Y/n) smiled nervously as he felt Xiao snatch his hand and teleport them both into Wangshu Inn.


Xiao gave a patronizing stare for a few seconds before looking away, a small frown on his lips.

(Y/n) stared for a few seconds before pulling Xiao into a hug, not noticing how the said figure melted into his hold.

Xiao stayed quiet as he leaned his head against (Y/n)'s chest, the karmic debt calming down at the familiar warmth.

"I'm sorry for letting you wait for me... Xiao."

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