Chapter VII: Act XVI

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The Delusion
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"Kokomi, we're back – Oh, look, Gorou's here too. What happened? They look so serious?" Paimon asked, looking over at Aether in worry as the both of them reached the area they needed to report to Kokomi.

"Approximately how many people are exhibiting these symptoms?" Kokomi asked with a worried expression on her face.

"I haven't had the chance to do a full count yet..." Gorou answered with an apologetic look on his face.

Aether and Paimon went up to the talking duo.

"Kokomi, Gorou... what's going on?" Paimon asked.

Gorou turned his head to look at Paimon and Aether.

"Recently, Aether, some of our soldiers started showing symptoms of accelerated aging. I called them in for questioning and found out that they'd privately acquired some secret weapons from our sponsor. Most of them are highly ambitious types, vehemently opposed to the Vision Hunt Decree. They've been using these weapons secretly since getting hold of them," Gorou explained.

Kokomi placed a hand on her chin as her brows furrowed. "So that's why the war has been going unusually well... But risky secret weapons are not the answer. We must put a stop to it immediately," she mumbled.

"Most of the officers refused to hand them over. Still, I did manage to get one..." Gorou replied before holding out a very familiar object.

A soft gasp left Paimon's lips while Aether ran a hand down his face.

"Oh, dear..." Aether mumbled.

Kokomi glanced at the blonde. "Aether, do you know something about this?" She asked.

"It's a Fatui Delusion," Aether answered.

A small growl escaped Gorou's lips. "So that means our secret sponsor is the Fatui?" He asked in disbelief.

"But why would the Fatui do this... Forget that, there's no time. Right now, we need to inform the whole army to cease using their Delusions immediately. All soldiers who have shown symptoms are to be taken for treatment. I just hope we'll be in time to save them," Kokomi whispered.

"Wait a second... Aether, speaking of soldiers with symptoms..." Paimon trailed off.

"Teppei..." Aether trailed off in realization.

Paimon's brows furrowed. "No, s–surely he can't have... Uhh, let's go check on him!" She quickly exclaimed.


"Teppei!!!" Paimon cried out as she hurriedly floated over to a sitting Teppei – who surely seemed a lot older and lifeless than the last time the duo saw him.

Teppei gave a smile when he took notice of Aether and Paimon, a cough escaping his lips. "Oh... Hey, guys. What're you doing here? Just a moment, lemme get up... Oof, it's weird, I don't know where all my strength's gone..." He greeted with a mumble.

"Teppei, you have to tell me," Aether lightly said.

Teppei gave a confused look. "Hmm? Oh right, yeah. I haven't had time to give you the full details. Well, I've made a lot of great contributions to the war effort lately. Fighting the Shogun's Army at sea, taking on Shogunate Samurai all by myself, rescuing my comrades fr–from an ambush... things I never would have dreamed I could do when you first met me," he replied before allowing a harsh cough to escape his lips, "If only I were stronger still. The stronger I am, the more I can do for the resistance... Wait a sec, where's my secret weapon gone?"

"When did you start using it?" Aether asked.

Teppei coughed. "It wasn't long after you were made captain of Swordfish II. I met these mysterious people, said they were with our supporters. They gave it to me and said that as long as I have the will to become stronger, this secret weapon will answer my call. Haha..." Another cough, "It's just like a vision, isn't it? Of course, I've never used a Vision, so I wouldn't know the difference..."

Aether frowned. "This is... a Delusion," he retorted.

Teppei's brows furrowed as another painful cough left his lips. "Delusion? Oh god, that doesn't sound very good... So... what's the difference between a Delusion and a Vision?" He asked, looking up at Aether and Paimon from where he was sitting.

"A Delusion drains the user's life force," Aether answered truthfully.

Teppei closed his eyes and gave a small chuckle. "Gosh... Well, I suppose it's not too surprising that a mysterious weapon of unknown origins would come with its risks. I've been getting more and more tired over the past few days, and I have this... strange sense of dread. At first, I'd find I was a little more beat than usual after a battle. Didn't think anything of it. But today, I got back and suddenly my vision was going blurry."

Teppei then gave Aether a pained close-eyed smile. "This is a real shame... There I was, thinking I was catching up with ya, haha... Guess I didn't receive the favor of the gods, after all..." He chuckled.

Aether continued to frown, hating the fact that Teppei was going through all of this.

"Hey Aether, would you do something for me?" Teppei asked.

Aether nodded his head quietly, wanting the other to continue.

Teppei smiled softly. "When our uniforms are ready, grab mine for me... bring it back here, and we can change together..."

Aether's eyes saddened as he gave a solemn look.

"What's that look for? Don't worry, partner. Soon as I've rested up, I'll be right as rain. Right as rain. I tell ya... soon as I've... rested up..." Teppei dozed off.

"Teppei..." Paimon trailed off.

"The Fatui..." Aether trailed off as he clenched his hands into fists.

Without another second wasted, Aether turned and ran off.

"Hey Aether, where are you going? Heyyyy..." Paimon questioned, floating after her father figure.


(Y/n) lifted his head in confusion, taking notice of Aether and Paimon coming his way.

Xiao gazed at the two with a raised brow.

A familiar feline poked their head out from the entrance of the hidden factory and raised a brow.

"Oh?" (F/n) questioned.

Aether's figure was shaking in nothing but pure anger at what the Fatui was doing to innocent people and bystanders.

"Oop–" (F/n) moved to the side so that they didn't bump into Aether – who stormed into the factory with Paimon following after him.

(Y/n) sighed and turned his attention to Xiao. "Keep an eye out here, okay? If any Fatui agents flee, give them hell."

Xiao hummed and nodded his head before looking away.

(F/n) and (Y/n) shared a quick look before following in after Aether and Paimon.

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