Chapter I: Act V

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Partner in Crime
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(Y/n) blinked quietly, lifting the blindfold a bit to look at the puppy that sat comfortably on top of his feet, confused about what he should do to the small adorable canine.

Taking in the puppy's features, the (H/c)ette instantly realized who it was.

'Oh my fucking god, it's Richie!' (Y/n) thought in excitement, crouching down a bit so that he could pick up the puppy.

The puppy tiredly opened his eyes and whined lightly in excitement.

"You're a good boy, aren't you?" (Y/n) asked in awe, ignoring the fact that the puppy was a bit bigger than him.

The puppy barked once more and leaned up towards the (H/c)ette before kissing them with a sandpaper-like tongue on the face.

"Yuck!" (Y/n) laughed while trying to put the pup into a more comfortable position while fixing the blindfold over his eyes.

The (H/c)ette grinned. Not wanting to screw up the timeline, he was gonna name the puppy, Richie.

"I'm gonna name you Richie!" (Y/n) declared before heading in the direction of Wangshu Inn since he decided to hang out by the river.

Richie whined and barked while wagging his tail with even more excitement, his dark-colored eyes shining with playfulness and mischief.

"Mom better let me keep you." (Y/n) huffed, ignoring the fact that he had just called Goldet 'mom'.

Visitors of the Wangshu Inn that stayed there for several days took notice of (Y/n) and Richie, amused at the fact that the inn owner's child would bring in a stray puppy.

"What do you have there, (Y/n)?" An amused visitor asked, biting back a laugh.

(Y/n) turned his head to the visitor. "A partner in crime!" He exclaimed with a grin.

The visitor just laughed in amusement while waving off the five-year-old.

(Y/n) decided to take the elevator with Richie, which thankfully didn't take too long.

"Mom!" The (H/c)ette hollered, walking in the direction of the front desk.

Goldet looked in the corner of her eyes, watching as her child came walking up to her with a puppy in his arms.

She could see how attached the two of them were already.

"What do you have there, (N/n)?" She teased lightly.

(Y/n) grinned, "Richie!" He beamed.

Goldet snickered lightly. "You already named him, huh?" She mused with a raised brow.

"Uh-huh," (Y/n) casually answered while setting Richie down onto his paws.

Richie barked and nudged (Y/n)'s legs that were currently exposed due to the knee-high shorts that he was wearing.

"Good boy," (Y/n) retorted while bending down and petting the pup.

Goldet smiled in amusement. She didn't mind allowing her adopted son having a pet as long as he was happy. "Why did you name him Richie?" She asked.

'Because that's his name? Can't tell her that, though.' (Y/n) thought.

(Y/n) gave a light hum, pretending to think. "Maybe because he looks like a Richie? Just look at him! He's so fluffy!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

'Just almost a week here and he already adopted a puppy.' Goldet thought in amusement, gazing at her child with loving eyes.

"I promise to train him as a guard dog or something for the inn, it'll take a while but I'll do my best!" (Y/n) declared.

Goldet rolled her eyes playfully. "I'll talk to your father about this, but for now... make sure Richie is all washed up, okay?" She replied.

(Y/n) saluted. "Aye, ma'am!" He retorted.

Goldet smiled once more before waving off the child who picked up a big wooden bucket and headed right back outside.


"Richie, no!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he was pulled into the water thanks to Richie tugging on his shirt.

A loud splash was heard as (Y/n) sat up with a dumbfounded expression. Thankfully it wasn't deep so that the (H/c)ette wouldn't drown.

(Y/n) gives Richie a stink eye while the said puppy just sat there, waving his tail with happiness as if he didn't just pull his owner into the water with him.

Richie barked, making soft splashes due to him hitting the water behind him with his tail.

"You little..." (Y/n) trailed off with a playful huff in disappointment.

Standing up, the (H/c)ette took in his appearance and saw how he was soaked along with droplets of water dripping off the (H/c) locks.

"Dang it," (Y/n) sighed heavily.

Richie just gave a puppy smile, ignoring the fact that he had just gotten his owner soaked.

(Y/n) sighed heavily, crossing his arms over his chest while giving a thoughtful look.

'Now that I think of it... this kinda reminds me when (F/n) and I were forced to wash their new puppy Newt.' (Y/n) thought in amusement, smiling subconsciously at the memory.

The (H/c)ette started to feel eyes on him, which made him start to sweat.

'Stop looking at me like that! I'm not some enemy– wait... I mean nobody suspected Kaeya of being a spy until he came forth to Diluc after Crepus' death due to the stress he felt. Maybe my character before I was reborn WAS supposed to be a spy?' (Y/n) thought.

Richie whined lightly, nudging his owner's ankle with the tip of his nose, wanting his owner's attention back on him.

(Y/n) seemed to snap out of what he was thinking and crouched down in front of the puppy.

"Despite being my partner in crime, there's a lot of things that you need to know." (Y/n) hummed.

Richie gazed at the blindfold that covered his owner's eyes, wanting to see what (Y/n)'s upper part of his face look like.

"One, we gotta sneak into the kitchen every other night to snatch the freshly made (F/f) and almond tofu." (Y/n) began, ignoring the gaze that sat on them.

Richie barked lightly.

(Y/n) held up a second finger. "Second, we got to make sure we don't anger a certain person in the inn. I don't wanna be bait," (Y/n) continued.

Richie just listened to his owner, rolling in the water to get any accessible soap off of his fur.

(Y/n) finally held up a third finger. "And finally, we get to cause mischief as long as we want." He finished with a proud smile slipping onto his lips.

Richie nipped at (Y/n)'s hand before headbutting his owner lightly in the stomach.

(Y/n) fell back into the water, making a soft complaining noise from his lips.

"Rude," (Y/n) mumbled before laughing softly.

"Love you, Richie..." The (H/c)ette whispered, receiving a whine of happiness back as a response.

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