Wangshu Inn

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(Y/n) froze a bit as he continued to take in all the information on how this all wasn't a dream, and how this was all real.

"Do you have a name, little one?" Goldet asked gently, giving a soft smile to the child in front of her who seemed to be in a slight panic.

(Y/n) tensed up and started to fiddle a bit with his fingers. "Ah, um... I'm (Y/n)." He answered.

This surprised Goldet. "No last name?" She questioned in surprise.

(Y/n) smiled nervously. "I do have one... it's just that I'm not allowed to tell anyone," he  whispered.

Goldet made a sound of understanding since she knew some people who kept their last names hidden because of personal reasons.

"Where did you come from if you don't mind me asking? An... acquaintance of mine found you, and brought you here." Goldet asked as if she was hiding the fact she has a Yaksha here.

(Y/n) mentally deadpanned. 'Right. I have no damn clue on where my mom originated from, except that I lived near Mondstadt my whole four years of living in this world.' He thought.

(Y/n)'s brows furrowed a bit. "Mondstadt." He answered with a thoughtful look hidden behind the blindfold.

Goldet hummed lightly. "Oh, also, you were seen with two visions. One was dead, sadly. The other? A dendro vision," she explained.

(Y/n)'s gaze burned deeply into the darkness of the blindfold, trying his best to understand the information that was being given to him.

He questioned why dendro was given to them. What damn knowledge did he have that was recognized by the Dendro Archon?

The last time he remembered, he had nearly failed English.

"Do you... remember who attack your carriage?" Goldet softly asked, not wanting to cause any bad reaction.

(Y/n) brought his knees up to his chest and laid his head on top of them. "The... Fatui?" He answered.

The (H/c)ette knew who attacked him but which Harbinger did they work for? That's what worried the child even more.

Goldet lightly frown as she shook her head in disappointment. "They keep getting closer and closer to Liyue," she sighed.

(Y/n) blinked behind the blindfold in confusion. Was the bank even here yet? If it was, he was fucked.

'Wait... now that I think of it, Childe's about seven or so right now... Damn it, he's still older than me.' (Y/n) mentally groaned.

Goldet seemed to be wanting to ask a silent question but didn't say anything as (Y/n) held up four fingers.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "You're four and you're this intelligent?" She asked in awe.

'Well, I'm a sixteen-year-old stuck in a child's body, and I was living with a strict mother who kinda cared a shit about me.' (Y/n) mentally sighed.

"Mmh," (Y/n) hummed lightly as he stopped fidgeting with his fingers, turning his head in the direction of where Goldet might be at.

Goldet gave a thoughtful hum before standing up onto her feet. "I'm pretty sure you're hungry right now, so do you want anything?" She asked.

(Y/n) blinked behind the blindfold before giving a thoughtful hum. "Almond... tofu?" He nervously retorted.

Goldet softly laughed. "Almond tofu it is, just make sure you don't eat a lot of it, okay?" She mused before leaving the room.

(Y/n) lifted his hands to his face and fixed up the blindfold a bit before turning his body a bit and hopping out of the bed with little to no difficulty.

"A little bit of air doesn't hurt anyone, right?" (Y/n) mumbled to himself before lightly tapping the wooden floors underneath his feet, making sure there was nothing for him to trip on.

Staying barefoot, (Y/n) left the room quietly and went up to the roof. 'Hopefully, he doesn't mind.'


(Y/n) trailed the tips of his fingers that finally decided to lift off of the staircase's railing, indicating that he had reached the roof.

A gentle smile slipped onto his lips as he walked outside, enjoying the breeze that ruffled his (H/c) locks.

"It does feel better out here," he breathed out.

If he remembered, the railing wasn't too far away so (Y/n) casually walked up to it and leaned against it.

Stretching like a cat and getting onto his tippy toes, (Y/n) stuck an arm out and let it just dangle there.

The said (H/c)ette could feel a glare on the back of his head but ignored it, not wanting to anger the Yaksha that was keeping an eye on him, closely.

'He's right behind me, isn't he? Shit. Don't tell me I angered the Conqueror of Demons.' (Y/n) mentally pleaded, hoping that he didn't anger the said figure.

'Are you angry that I replaced you with Xingqiu for a quest? I'm sorry!' (Y/n) mentally cried in his head, not wanting to be killed for a second time.

It was as if the figure on top of the literal roof was breathing heavily down his neck, waiting for him to make one wrong move.

Footsteps captured (Y/n)'s attention, causing him to turn and look in confusion.

"So this is where you went?" Goldet lightly tease while looking up at the figure that sat quietly up above.

(Y/n) gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Mrs. Goldet." He apologized.

Goldet just smiled. "No worries, I'm just surprised you were able to get up here all by yourself." She reassured.

'Maybe because I've been here so many times and that I'm not blind? I mean, I could due to how many times (F/n) flash banged me with their phone's flashlight just because I didn't get them Oreos.' (Y/n) thought.

Goldet walked over to the table and settled two different plates of almond tofu. "Just please be careful next time, I don't want you getting hurt."

"Yes, ma'am." (Y/n) replied as he listened to Goldet leave them and the Yaksha alone.

Going over to the table, the (H/c)ette picked up their fair share of almond tofu and walked into the hallway, sitting right outside the door.

Sitting down, (Y/n) picked up a spoon and scooped up a small piece of almond tofu.

'Would it be weird if I apologized since I intruded into his area because I knew that he was there the whole time? Probably.' (Y/n) mentally sighed while humming a pleasant sound once the almond tofu's sweetness invaded his taste buds.

"This stuff is amazing," (Y/n) whispered in awe, taking his time to eat the almond tofu.

The figure that sat outside calmly ate their almond tofu, staring off into the horizon while trying to find out who this (H/c)-haired child was.

This figure should keep an eye on the (H/c)ette just a bit longer.

Just to make sure he wasn't a spy or anything, of course.

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