Chapter VI: Act XXIV

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Osial; the Ancient God
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Paimon panted heavily as a giant serpent of water loomed over the whole group.

"Paimon's exhausted... If we hadn't happened to see the Jade Chamber flying over just as we came out of the Golden House, we really wouldn't have known which way to go... Whew, did we make it in time? Is the Overlord of the Vortex still in the sea? It hasn't destroyed Liyue yet, has it?" Paimon asked.

"What... are you doing here?" Xiao asked, noticing Aether, Paimon, and (Y/n).

"Huh... Hold on! It's the adepti! What are you doing on the Jade Chamber? Paimon thought you were arguing with the Qixing... Is the fighting over?" Paimon asked.

"Faced with calamity of such magnitude, we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy," Ningguang explained.

"Hmph!" Moon Carver huffed out.

"Oh, Paimon gets it... So, how do you plan to defend Liyue? Uhh... just seeing this Overlord of the Vortex guy puts a pit in Paimon's tummy, even from all the way out here," Paimon states.

"It's not just you. We've got new Millelith recruits who can't even stand at attention without shaking. The force of an ancient god's presence seems to be too much for ordinary people to handle. Which is why we must stop that monster before it gets any close to Liyue Harbor!" Keqing declared.

"So the Archon War was fought two thousand years ago against enemies like that thing? Now that's scary... So will the power of the Qixing, Millelith, and Adepti gathered here be enough to stop that god?" Paimon asked, glancing over at the group.

Xiao wrapped his arms over his chest while gazing at the ancient god in the distance.

"We've already discussed this together, and our conclusion is... not necessarily," Ningguang answered.

"What!? But all of you are supposed to be the guardians of Liyue. Can't you think of something?" Paimon asked in disbelief.

"One certainly could. The Qixing did once research the matter of the Guizhong Ballista when it piqued their fancy. And as fate would have it, one, who did craft the Guizhong Ballista with one's own hands, is here... For what could you mortals ever learn of adepti mechanisms? Yet it would take one but a little tinkering to turn this ballista into an engine of war beyond your wildest thoughts," Cloud Retainer retorted.

"Heh, I suppose this is one blessing from the adepti that we should be thankful for. So be it. We shall use the upgraded Guizhong Ballista to fight off that god. All the adepti here can lend their strength to man it. We haven't a moment to spare. Our battle begins now!" Ningguang declared.

Ningguang raises her hands into the air after creating a symbol right in front of her figure before crossing her arms over her head and causing the palm of her hands to face her forearms, her pointer fingers and thumbs touching one another as she glowed and teleported up into the air.

Shield-like objects surrounded the Jade Chamber and created a platform for the Guizhong Ballista to sit upon.

The group watched Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, and Moon Carver take their spots on the weapons.

The ballista glowed brightly as they absorbed the adepti's energy before releasing a heavy beam of light straight at Osial.

A roar escaped from the said ancient god.

Multiple portals showed up which allowed multiple Fatui members to get right up onto the platform that the group was using.

"The Fatui! They're attacking the Guizhong Ballista!" Paimon exclaimed.

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