Bonus Chapter 2 - Confusion and Care (1)

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23rd February

"Do all princesses have a happy ending?" Dev asked as he turned off the TV and shifted his innocent eyes on Shreya who was checking the formal contract papers, which she received from a special kids' school.

Since December, she had been trying to get into a special needs school. Although it wasn't needed, when Shreya asked Priyasha about applying to such school, her mother-in-law was actually elated. She excitedly encouraged her to do so and even found her some of the schools' details who specialized on autistic children.

A few of them responded back and one of them took her personality test last week. Fortunately, she got selected. The school authority asked her to sign the contract and join at the earliest.

Abhimanyu neither showed any willingness nor objected. He simply listened to her conveying the news before submerging himself among the files again.

After that night's argument, he took her to her parents' house only to usher her out of there within an hour. (A/N - this bitch!) No matter how much she tried to persuade him, he paid no heed to her pleading. The situation aggravated her badly so she decided to give a silent treatment. However, it was of no use.

Abhimanyu was a man, who was unable to yield any kind of reaction under a provocation. So, it was her own defeat because he never tried to woo her. Not even once. His indifference got the best of everything and she gave up at one point. Rather, she broke the silence and asked him straight up if he'd allow her to live at her parents' house for a week, to which, he surprisingly said yes.

Unfortunately, she didn't receive the opportunity to do so yet. Because the school she applied to, wanted her to join at the earliest.

Shreya shifted her attention on the innocent question Dev asked and deliberately answered him, "Well, most of the time, it's a happy ending."

"And if it's not?" Dev inquired again.

Shreya anchored her eyes on Dev and smiled. "Then it's not the happy ending. The story is yet to end."

Dev nodded sagely and fell silent. Shreya went back to reading the contract. After a momentary silence, Dev asked again, "What is a happy ending?"

Without looking up, Shreya answered, "When everyone gets the things they desire, and their wishes get fulfilled, then it's a happy ending."

"But the road to the happy ending is twisted." Before Shreya could answer him, a familiar voice echoed across the hall. Both Shreya and Dev raised their eyes and beamed.

Dev chirped, "Vijay dadu (Vijay is Abhiraj's friend, i.e., Dev's great uncle. So, he calls him Dadu.), have you brought me the thing I asked you?"

Shreya's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She glanced between them questioningly while Vijay smiled and nodded, "Of course, dadubhai (endearing way to call grandson)!"

Vijay came and sat down beside Dev before bringing a paint brush set out of his coat's pocket. "Is this the right one, dadubhai?"

Dev took the set from Vijay and examined it closely for a few seconds before grinning ear to ear. "Yes. This is the one I wanted. Thank you, Vijay dadu!" he exclaimed and gave a quick hug to Vijay before sprinting off to his room.

Vijay chuckled endearingly while his gleaming eyes followed Dev.

Shreya smiled watching the two. Vijay shifted his eyes on her and asked, "So, Shreya, how are you doing?"

Shreya nodded shyly. "I am doing alright. How are you?"

"Good, good. I'm quite alright. In fact, couldn't be better after Ritu regained consciousness. How is she?"

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