Chapter 18 - Warning

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As they traversed through the hallway, the effect of intoxication kicked in. Although she scurried after Abhimanyu to match his pace, her brain seemed not to work on its own. It was becoming difficult for her to keep her eyes open while she was sweating profusely. Her heart was beating at an uneven rate and her legs felt like jelly. They stepped unevenly in front of one another, causing her to lose her balance each now and then.

She somehow made it, following Abhimanyu until they stopped. She gazed up and registered the surroundings quickly. It wasn't Dev's room. It was Abhimanyu's room.

Why did he bring her into his room?

Abhimanyu turned around and focused his undivided attention on her. The room was brightly lit. So, it was easier to notice, it was, in fact, his bedroom.

Shreya's head spun momentarily as she blinked several times to keep her from falling. However, she kept her eyes downcast for obvious reasons. She didn't know if it was the closed confinement of his room or his intimidating stare, for which she was feeling extremely nervous and hot. Her ears were burning, and her hands were sharing. She didn't understand how she was still standing without falling.

For a stretched moment, no one made a sound until Abhimanyu spoke in his monotonous voice. "I didn't expect this from you."

Her lashes swept up for a quick second and she looked down again. He was standing a few feet away from her, one of his hands was buried deep inside his pocket while the other one was simply dangling at his side.

"Do you have an explanation?" He asked quietly.

"I- I didn't mean to go. Gya- Abhigyan re-requested..." She trailed off.

He waited for a moment, perhaps waiting for her to say something more. But when she didn't, he walked over towards her making her panic. But instead of standing before her, he sat down on the ergonomic chair beside her. Only now she noticed the computer desk sitting there. He turned his chair and looked up at her.

"Of course. He might have. But you should have informed me beforehand that he's bothering you. I would've taken some action against him." He paused for a moment before adding, "This was unprofessional. Especially, when Devdoot is concerned here."

As Abhimanyu continued reprimanding her, another nausea swept over her. It was becoming difficult for her to keep her eyes open. Her vision was turning hazy and she felt too hot for some unknown reason.

"I understand that it was Gyan's fault. But to prevent something like that from happening again in future, I'll have to fire you."

What? Her eyes snapped up and saw him sitting there calmly folding one of his legs over the other.

Before she could say something he added, "But not before your contract ends."

But she couldn't hold it anymore. Her legs gave out all of a sudden. She lost her balance, and then she closed her eyes.

It went blank for a while.

What did she think? She could escape her misery? Turned out, all this while, her fate was working against her.

She felt thirsty.

What was happening? Was she lost? Somewhere outside... away from the familiar world. She wanted to run away to the mountains, and have a little cabin, and an easy job. Maybe a few sheeps or chickens. A dog, perhaps. If only she could find a lover. They'd have a peaceful life. So much love, so many dreams... so many disappointments.

Perhaps, she saw a dream bigger than her worth. It wasn't meant to happen. She'd probably end up in Guwahati and married off to some stranger or Naveen. Would he consider marrying her though? His family seemed to oppose the idea from the beginning. Was she expecting more than she deserved?

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