Chapter 37 - Galaxy

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Author's note: I went through several emotional damage while writing this chapter because it's SMUT. I wanted to throw hands at some point! *sobs* If any of you follow me on Twitter you might've read the spoilers I posted there.

Aaaaaaaand.......... ⚠️WARNING⚠️ 'THE' chapter y'all have been waiting for. 😂 Things about to get 🌶🌶🌶 up! 😋🤭 And I'm leaving a lot of inline comments because I actually was feeling so when writing this chapter. Gaaaaaahhhhhh.....!!!


Her heart was beating rapidly, like a disconcerted caged animal. She turned her head and saw Abhimanyu walking into the room, followed by Neil and Irfan. Her eyes widened, realizing her almost naked body was now open to display in front of all these men. She frenziedly looked around to find something to cover herself when Abhimanyu rushed forward and picked the bedsheet off the ground and threw it over to her before turning towards Naveen.

"Take him out," He ordered his men while she hurried to cover herself. Neil and Irfan came forward, seized Naveen and began dragging him away.

"Leave me!" Naveen struggled to loosen their holds on his arms to no avail. "I said leave me! Mr. Abhimanyu! You gave me permission to come in. Then what is this behaviour?"

"I gave you permission to have a decent conversation and know her heart. I didn't ask you to force yourself on her," Abhimanyu said in his flat tone.

Her eyes snapped towards Abhimanyu before it swayed back to Naveen and back at Abhimanyu. 'Know her heart?' What the fuck did he mean?

"But you said you two are having an open marriage! Then why does it matter?" Naveen exclaimed.

"It matters because she's non-consensual," Abhimanyu responded calmly. "Take him out. Don't let him go until I say so," he commanded again as Neil and Irfan dragged Naveen out of the room.

She had fallen very silent by now. Abhimanyu shifted his eyes on her after they left and said, "I didn't expect that."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before asking, "Why?" Her voice wavered slightly.

"Let me put it-" He started but got interrupted soon.

"I don't want you to hide anything from me." She opened her eyes and stared dead at him.

"Okay. I'll be truthful then." He paused momentarily. "You piqued my interest the day I first heard you telling stories to Dev. Not many people know stories from our scriptures. Your interest in scriptures caught my attention."

Her brows curled in curiosity. That was a long time ago. She remembered how she fell off guard when Abhimanyu came in to give Dev a chocolate bar, but didn't exchange a single word to her before leaving. Did he really remember what she was talking about that day? Well, this wasn't something she saw coming.

Abhimanyu went on. "If something catches my attention, I tend to dig into the heart of it," he added slowly. "I desired to learn about your background. So, I did." He paused briefly and glanced at her way. "Naveen and you were in a relationship for so many years. I learned the level of intimacy you two were engaged in."

Wait! What? Her mouth hung open. She couldn't trust her own ears about what she was hearing right now. She knew, he was a straightforward man. He couldn't make this up out of air. Indeed, he had delved into her past. Did that mean, he knew everything about Naveen and her relationship?

"That's why I knew you weren't playing a game with me that night and was really intoxicated."

She blinked. He believed her that she had no sinful intention! He trusted her alibi! A knot in her heart unfastened quickly, making her feel relieved in some way.

Healing The Void (The Roys, #2) ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz