Chapter 43 - Hope

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She shifted her eyes on Abhimanyu expecting some kind of reaction. There wasn't any. His unwavering blank stare was still on Gyan as the paramedics lifted Gyan up on to the stretcher. Shreya glanced at Gyan and noticed him wincing from pain. Her heart ached seeing him suffering like that. She reached unnoticeably and tugged on Abhimanyu's sleeve to gain his attention. He turned his head and made eye contact with her.

She whispered, "Say something."

He blinked then averted his gaze as the paramedics took Gyan away, but said nothing. They cleared the room and came out of the building after the police officer confirmed they have taken all of Rishi's men into custody. There were three ambulances parked in front. First one immediately left after they got Tiyasha out of her confinement. Gyan and Ritu were taken to hospital immediately after. Ritu was still unconscious.

Shreya saw Neil and Rehan on the spot. Both of them had their black sunglasses on. So, she couldn't really tell what were their reaction was about her and Ritu's escapade. She checked the time. 6:20 a.m. The east sky had only started to clear up. The darkness slowly subsiding.

Her eyes darted towards Abhimanyu who was standing very still with keen observation of everything happening around. Both of his hands were buried inside his pants' pockets. His right sleeve had completely changed its colour from white to dark crimson.

"You are still bleeding?"

He took a quick glance at his arm before focusing back ahead. Some media people had already reached the scene. Photographers flashing at them every now and then made her extra cautious of their circumstances. Some of them shouted their queries at them randomly which he avoided with his usual stony demeanour.

She mustered the courage before asking, "Why didn't you say anything to Gyan? He thinks you don't care for him."

"It makes no difference what anyone thinks about me. Gyan is no exception."

"He is your brother!"

Abhimanyu turned his head and gazed at her. The cut above his eyebrow was covered in dried up blood. "It's more important that he's now out of the criminal charges against him. I expect nothing from him. Just him staying out of danger is enough for me. If something happened to him, maa-papa would've never forgiven me."

She observed him closely before opening her mouth. "Don't your parents want you to keep a lively relationship with your siblings? Aren't you deterring their love and admiration for you?"

"Shreya," he said without breaking eye contact, "They know it already and you should also know this. Don't keep much expectations from me. It makes me uncomfortable."

She blinked and looked down.

She reminded herself Devina Mukherjee's warning. 'If you want to stay in this relationship, simply accept the fact that your significant other is a weirdo. And love him like that.'

A small sigh left her as he turned back and signalled Sriram to bring his car. They got into the car as he instructed him to go to the hospital.

"Do maa-papa know about this?" She quietly asked.

"Not yet. But they'll soon know. However, not through us."

Of course. The media. She nodded.

A few minutes passed in silence until he asked, "Did they hurt you?"

His sudden enquiry startled her. She glanced at him in perturbation. Doubtlessly the question was an unexpected one coming from him. As a response, she shook her head lightly.

He abruptly grabbed one of her hands and squeezed it gently. His eyes were down cast, specifically on the exact spot where their skin made contact. Her brows curled in concern as she observed him closely. Although his indifferent expression never changed, his eyes wavered for the first time. Her heart beat increased in an instant. Was he blaming himself for everything? She turned around hastily and touched his cheek. He didn't raise his eyes. Her guess was right. A pang erupted in her heart as she blurted in a whisper, "It wasn't your fault." Her thumb grazed over his cheek while her eyes welled up. "Listen to me. Abhi," she scurried closer to him, "Everyone made mistakes. Everything happened there, was... the amassed consequences of individual deeds. No particular one is to be blamed alone. Do you hear me?"

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