Chapter 25 - Good days, Bad time

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Author's note: Let's meet AR. Shall we? ;) It's going to be a looong chapter & I'm least bothered by that fact. Things will turn out for good/bad from here, and I'm #notsorry for that. Those who have already read The Velvet Healer, know I write, 'contemporary philosophical romantic suspense'. So, that's that! Enjoy this chapter!!

21st October

The phone charger which Sange brought for her, stopped working from the second day. Upon checking, she discovered the power port of her phone broke. When she told her mother about that, naturally the latter flipped out, and the panic caused Shreya to hang up right away.

She never got the opportunity to share another number with her.


Shreya's eyes were trained on Dev as he played with a ball in the front garden of the guesthouse. She couldn't tell if she was actually watching over Dev or trying to find a way to put off her embarrassment. Because after what happened yesterday afternoon, she couldn't meet eyes with the men present in the house.

She was holding a cup of tea in her hand, and all the memories of these past three days replayed before her eyes like a movie.

Since the first day she and Abhimanyu watched the sunrise together, she didn't miss all the following days until today. Practically, she had looked forward to those early hours every day eagerly, & when they came, they never once disappointed her experience. Watching the sunrise with him was nothing she could actually put in words. They mostly shared an atmosphere mainly filled with silence. They rarely talked. Yet, the silence was never uncomfortable. As much as she felt intimidated by him in the beginning days of her work, after coming here they all melted into serenity until yesterday. It could be an influence of the environment here. But she didn't want to give all the credits to nature.

As much as she spent time with the eldest son of Mr. Abhiraj Roy, she realized his characteristics didn't blend with that of a common man, and which perhaps is the foremost reason that made his persona standout among the rest. He radiated a power around him, just not because he's this infamous CEO of Permabell, but because of his uniqueness.

Some interesting traits she had noticed in him was that he liked silence a lot. Not particularly anti-social, but he preferred staying alone. He wouldn't say a word to the least, but by his presence he'd clearly give out the message that he'd appreciate it very much if he'd just be left alone. He didn't interact too much with anyone except it was absolutely important. Mostly it was Sunny he actually spoke to. Sometimes, Mr. Chetan came and they talked business. But that was all.

Abhimanyu seemed too out of focus when he wasn't in a business meeting, as if he was uninterested in everything happening around. Especially the human things. Expecting a conversation with him was a hyper-fantasy. He simply would not talk if it wasn't something of his interest. At times, she judged him for being a selfish person. But then his contradictory side made his innocence stand out again.

In these past few days, she had observed him spending several consecutive hours watching either the mountains far off or the vast valley of tea gardens... alone. But when someone approached him, he'd just excuse himself almost immediately. As if he wanted to escape the engagement at all cost.

Only one time she saw him actually talking keenly, and although she couldn't predict the future, she'd keep that moment forever in her memories no matter what happened between them in the time to come.

It was the day before yesterday and as Abhimanyu promised Dev, he arranged for a sightseeing itinerary with the help of Dinu and Chetan. It was decided that she, Dev, Sange, Nima (Sange's younger brother) and Sunny would go to see the riverside below. But at the last moment Dinu and Abhimanyu also accompanied them.

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