Chapter 42 - Bed of Thorns

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Only when she thought things couldn't go wrong anymore , Rishi brought out a gun. "I can only be at peace when these highly privileged, spoiled siblings are dead!"

Gyan's feeble voice heard from behind. "Rishi da! You-"

Rishi's head turned swiftly towards Gyan. "Oh! I totally forgot you're here too..." he paused briefly before adding, "My little brother." Rishi's eyes narrowed at Gyan.

Shreya glanced at his way. The poor man was so much in shock that he couldn't even talk. He opened his mouth to say something, but words wouldn't come out.

Rishi took a step towards him before thinking otherwise and returned to his previous position. He glanced around the room; perhaps, counting the number of people he appointed to torture his enemies before ordering them, "Everyone, leave."

Gurung objected, "But, what about you Rishi babu?"

"I'll be alright. I have to clear some clouds between us. Plus, they don't have any evidences against me. I can simply fake a statement if I get caught by any chance. After all, I'm great at playing the innocent. Don't I..." he gazed at Abhimanyu slyly. "Abhimanyu?"

Abhimanyu said nothing, nor did he give any reaction.

Gurung started again, "But Rishi babu..." but got interrupted by Rishi. He snapped, "I said, leave!"

After that, the men didn't wait any longer. They left them. The last one to leave was Gurung. As soon as they let go, Shreya scrambled forward and almost leapt at Abhimanyu. "Abhi..."

Abhimanyu caught her as she collapsed on his chest. He reached behind her and untied her hands. She plucked off the tape from her mouth hastily before throwing herself at Abhimanyu. Wrapping her hands around and burying her head into his neck, she started sobbing full on. Abhimanyu tapped on the small on her back in a comforting way before they had to split as Rishi said, "Enough with the drama!"

Shreya pulled back and touched the wound on Abhimanyu's head. Blood smeared on her hand as well. Her gaze fell on his bloody right arm. Hot tears streamed down her face when she gazed back on his face as he fixed his glasses.

She opened her mouth as the first word rolled out of her mouth was, "Ritu..."

He blinked before his eyes shifted their focus on Rishi.

Gyan's faint voice sounded again from behind. "Why Rishi da?" He noticeably sounded broken.

Rishi turned towards him. "Why?" His eyes narrowed as he scoffed. "You're asking me why? Ask this question to you brother instead..." His eyes swept over to Abhimanyu speedily as he gritted his teeth. "Who snatched my life from me!"

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you mean?" His voice monotonous as always.

Rishi grinned. "It is unbelievable, right?" He paused momentarily before continuing, "How could you, who has spent almost all his life away from his family, possibly snatch my life from me? But trust me... you did!" He growled in the end. "If it weren't for you, I would have been there in your place... as Abhiraj Roy's son!"

Shreya's eyebrows curled in confusion.

Abhimanyu said, "Be specific."

"Such arrogance. Huh? Still so cold? Or is it your disorder?" Rishi smirked.

Shreya's eyes widened. How did he know?

When no one make a sound, Rishi talked on. "If things weren't messed up by your mother, Abhiraj Roy would've married my mom!" He yelled aloud. "And I would've been his son. My life- my life would've been easier!"

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