Chapter 32 - Impossible

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24th November

Living with Abhimanyu was constraining. She always had to be alert about her actions; whether she was gaining his trust or their relationship was deteriorating. Not that she could tell where she stood from his indifference. After that night's eccentric interaction, she had been continuously hoping to persuade him somehow to take behavioural therapy sessions. But only hoping was all she could do at this point. He kept her at a distance like everyone else. They'd talk, but any subjective matter wouldn't be one of the topics.

But right at this moment, she was standing with a piece of paper in her hand, her heart thumping against her chest rapidly. She didn't know what she should do at this moment -- confront him or keep it a secret as it was. While cleaning her sleeping place today morning, she accidentally hit on his corner book-self and tripped a book from there. As soon as the book fell down, this tiny piece of paper came out of it. It an abstract line art of a woman's back, naked. On her head's place, there were flowers and leaves. Her hands were on a wall, as if in a surrendering posture. Below the drawing there was a signature.

Her hands trembled.

Schizoids might create rich and vivid fantasies of complex inner lives.

Did he want to...

Her chain of thoughts got interrupted when Abhimanyu emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered, in his white sleeveless tee and grey joggers; a towel wrapped around his neck. She hurried and hid her hands behind.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning." She nodded.

"It's starting to get chilly."

She nodded again. "Yeah. December is around the corner."

"That's right," he said then went towards his room.

She brought her hands in front and looked at the paper again. Her heart was running wild.

25th November

"Dadabhai, I want this." Ritu whined while picking up a diamond and sapphire necklace and putting it around her neck.

The family had gathered around in the hall for choosing ornaments for the coming reception party. Abhiraj and Gyan weren't their but Abhimanyu was. Although he mostly stayed mum, occasionally saying 'okay' whenever someone was choosing any jewellery.

"Okay. If you like it."

Shreya wasn't taking anything. These jewelleries were too expensive and she was often having a min heart-attacks looking at the price tags. Priyasha was persuading her to choose the ruby and amethyst necklace. The colour combination was very unique, but the price was equally exceptional. She kept declining respectfully until Abhimanyu picked up a dark emerald ring with tiny diamonds at the four corners. He gazed at it for a while then closed the lid and told the seller he should count its price as well. Her eyes were trained on him while Tiyasha asked, astonished, "Manyu, that was new." She was talking about his interest in jewelleries.

He didn't say anything immediately but checked the time on his watch. "How long are you going to do this selection?"

"Almost done," Ritu chirped in.

He got up. "That's good. I'm leaving then. I have a meeting with Vijay Uncle and Rishi." He shifted his gaze on Shreya and extended the box of ring towards her. "For you."

She blinked. Her breath caught in her throat. That was for her? Her eyes moved back and forth from the box to his face until finally settling on his eyes. They held each-others' gazes and her inside quivered at the situation.

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