Chapter 6 - Stars

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"I- I am... s-sorry!" She stuttered, "I didn't mean to intervene...I- I" She took a quick glance at him and noticed him gracefully changing his posture to normal. Eyes still trained on her. She felt beyond embarrassed. She should've just knocked before entering right through the door. Her eyes went downcast again as she hurriedly added, "Tiyasha gave me this envelope to give to you. I- I will just leave after giving this." Please don't be mad!

The last sentence she did not verbalize and prayed he'd just let her go without creating a scene. She lifted her eyelashes and saw him approaching her way. She suddenly felt trapped, and it didn't make any sense. She couldn't even meet his eyes and was already intimidated by him. It was absolutely unlikely of her.

A moment later he came and stood right before her, within an arm's reach. Her heartbeat quickened when he extended his hand towards her and held his open palm in front of her. Her eyes instinctively found their way up as she stared into his dark brown- almost black eyes, beautifully shining in their sockets. She was intrigued by the depth his eyes held. They looked mystic and one of a kind. Her gaze wavered a little when it shifted to his left brow. The cut must have been deep to leave his eyebrow split in half like that. She slowly placed the envelope in his hand. He blinked and quickly glanced at the envelope before his eyes traced back to her face. He said nothing, even showed no signs of annoyance, just stared at her quietly.

Shreya didn't know whether she should start a small talk or just leave. She hesitated, then murmured, "Okay. I- I should... leave now."

AR didn't respond but folded his arms against his chest, his eyes were focused on her but they looked nothing but indifferent.

She gulped, then took a few steps back until she was outside the door, then without looking back, she turned and left his room in one quick breath.

She didn't understand why she wanted to stay. He didn't even exchange a single word with her, but she wanted him to talk to her, and she didn't have any clue why.

She groaned at her nonsense thoughts. She must be wearing out from overtime.


Emotional needs and unfulfillment of the same. According to Maslow's theory, physical needs are the primary concern which makes you stay alive. Major portion of the people stay focused on their physical needs, say eating, sleeping and reproduction. It's just the way of surviving instead of living. But not all get satiated by these primary needs. Some souls crave more because they want to live instead of just survive. They want to serve the universe along with their own inner world.

Emotions are often overlooked because they don't serve the primary purpose of being alive. However, unfulfillment of emotional needs can destroy a person's inner self. It hits on the very base of life. Unfulfillment of emotional needs makes a person lonely. To meet a prolific inner life, a human being is bound to have an inner life where their emotional, mental, and spiritual needs are fulfilled. Lacking these, it's just an empty feeling which is comparable to 'something is always missing'.

"I told you many times, that I'm not going to Guwahati. Why are you postponing your journey for me?" Shreya cried out.

Trishna was now getting on her nerves. She kept on insisting that she should leave the job and go with them, which Shreya would never do until she had some self-esteem. She'd keep on fighting until she couldn't anymore.

"Because I want you to come with us."

"For heaven's sake, Maa, I am an adult and I have the full rights to make decisions about my life."

Trishna scowled. "Shreya! I'm telling you, you'll regret this. I want to marry you to a good husband. If you keep spending nights after nights in an unknown household, who'd even marry you?"

Healing The Void (The Roys, #2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now