t w e n t y - f o u r

21 3 6


A few weeks after Luke's and I's "private time," Ashton suggests that we go out for drinks and have a little fun since we can't teleport back to the Bahamas.

"I don't really feel like drinking." I comment as I stuff my phone into my small cross-body handbag.

"Fine, party pooper, you can be the driver." Calum rolls his eyes and slips his wallet and keys into his front pocket.

"Hey, don't get all mad - I could potentially be saving all your asses tonight."

"Potentially?" Michael scoffs. "How?"

"Drunk driving is extremely dangerous, so having a sober driver is very important - thus, potentially saving your asses." I rebuttle. I hear Luke snicker behind me, obviously enjoying the fact that I won the arguement against Michael.


By the time we finally manage to get to the club, between traffic and everybody's lack of timeliness, it's already packed to the brim. A few people take their chances with their cars and park them on the side of a busy street with heavy night traffic just because the nearest carpark is filled.

"I literally have no idea where to park." I admit as I weave in and out of rows in the carpark. Luke, who sits in the passenger seat, suddenly shrieks and points straight ahead to a spot where a sleek, black car is backing out of. In excitement, I pull forward as quickly and carefully as possible to get that spot before anyone else, and manage to successfully back in.

"Are you sure you don't want a drink, babe? I can drive home." Luke offers as he helps me out of the car.

"No, it's fine. I don't feel that great anyways." I shrug.

Everyone walks into the building together with our ID's handy to flash to the security as we walk in. The line just so happens to be pretty long, and my feet and back begin to ache as we slowly shuffle when the line moves. Luke notices my discomfort and wraps an arm around my waist to support me. I huff in frustration and mentally wish the line would move faster.

It feels like twenty minutes go by when we finally make it to the front of the line and are ushered through the heavy, metal doors that hide the chaos inside from the world outside. Luke keeps an arm around me as we navigate through the masses of people to find a seat in the bar area, where a row of booths sits against the far wall. All six of us slide into one of the booths, despite the mess left behind by the previous occupants, and get comfortable.

"Sorry for the mess, it's quite busy tonight." A busty woman apologizes, a tub for the dirty dishes against her hip. She sweeps the mess into the tub and smiles at Michael, who blushes furiously and looks away. She struts off to clear another table, leaving us to ourselves.

Ash chuckles and nudges Michael in the shoulder with his own. "Talk to her, mate."

"No, I can't. I'd only be talking to her two friends." He shakes his head.

"I think you'll be able to see past her...uh, friends once you get to know her." Luke states. "That's how Meredith and I made it this far."

"Luke!" I exclaim, smacking his hand away from my right friend. He only laughs and reaches for it again.

"Maybe after a few drinks I'll see what she's doing later." Michael suggests.

"No!" I shriek, reaching across the narrow table to grab Michael's shoulders. His eyes widen in shock at my outburst. "No sex. Ask for her number and call her tomorrow to ask her out on a date. Do you hear me? No sex."

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