t h r e e

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Three words.

Hot. Fudge. Sundae.

I rip open the box and dig out a silver package of goodness, not hesitating to rip open the package and take a huge bite.

It's almost noon and I just woke up five minutes ago. Waking up late isn't strange to me, but waking up happy is.

After my ex-boyfriend Drew cheated on me, I haven't been able to smile. But something about Luke just keeps a smile on my face.

Speaking of Luke, I know exactly who it is when someone knocks on my door. He uses the same pattern every time, as I realized when I matched yesterday's knock to today's.

I jog to the door and unlock it for him, letting him step inside. But he isn't alone.

"Sorry for the short notice but I want you to meet my mates Calum, Michael, and Ashton. Boys, this is Meredith." Luke points to each boy as he enters my flat, and then wraps an arm around my shoulders to introduce me.

"Nice place, you're pretty good at decorating!" Ashton exclaims, admiring the painting of flowers on my wall. I bought it at a second-hand store. "Did you paint this?"

"Nope, I bought it." I shrug. He nods but continues to admire the art.

"Where's the toilet?" Michael asks, bouncing on his toes.

"Down the hall, first door to the left." I direct him to the hallway and he thanks me, rushing to the toilet and shutting the door.

"He had a lot to drink on the way over." Calum chuckles, leaning against the door frame. "Ashton's right, you have a lovely place."

"Thanks." I smile, looking down at my hands. Even though Luke and I just met yesterday, we're still just acquaintences. And now three strangers are frolicking around my flat like ponies.

"I'll be right back." I mumble, turning away from Luke and Calum and making my way to my bedroom. I shut the door once I'm inside and take a seat on the side of my bed, inhaling deeply. From the living room I hear a squeal and laughter, but I put the curiousity to the side and take in the seclusion of my bedroom.

"Meredith? You okay?"

Luke peeks into my bedroom and smiles, coming in a bit further when he sees me.

"I'm okay. Just taking a breather." I smile back at him and pat the seat next to me. "It's just a bit chaotic out there."

"I can ask them to leave, if you want. I know I just kind of invited myself and the boys over but I figured you would get along great, and you might feel more comfortable in Australia with a few more buddies." Luke rambles. I laugh lightly at his attempt to make me feel better, which works.

"No, I want to meet them and get to know them. It's just that I just got up literally ten minutes ago and I'm not mentally or physically prepared." I admit. He nods in understanding and stands up.

"How about I take them back to my place and you can meet us there whenever you're ready?" He offers kindly, offering me a hand to pull me up off the bed. I accept and let him pull me to my feet.

"Sounds good. Tell them I'll be over in twenty."


Makeup, hair, and my outfit only took fifteen minutes, so I take my time walking to Luke's flat next door. It takes me five seconds. I knock on the door and wait for nearly five minutes before Calum opens the door for me.

"Oh good, you're still there." He smiles. "Sorry for the wait, Michael dared Ashton to swallow a quarter and he actually did it."

"Oh my God, is he okay?" I question, worried for Ashton. He's a nice guy and 'death by quarter' doesn't sound like a nicr way to go.

"He's fine, he just choked a little. Okay, a lot actually. But it's all good now, he's napping it off." Calum laughs. I chuckle and take a seat on Luke's couch. I've never seen his place before.

His two couches have a few tears in them, but they're clean and holding up nicely. His carpet is surprisingly clean for having suck rowdy friends, and his kitchen looks organized from my perch on the couch.

The walls are a light blue, much nicer than the previous color of my walls or the bland, neutral color I covered it with. I like it.

"Hey, Mere. I can call you that, right?" Luke asks, entering the living room with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I like it." I especially like the way it sounds with his adorable accent.

"Great. I'm assuming Cal filled you in on Ashton?"

"I did, what an idiot." Calum states with humor laced in his voice.

"I'm gonna go get him some icecream, his throat will probably hurt when he wakes up." Michael announces from the hallway, trying to hide his laughter. He passes us and walks straight out the door, quietly closing it behind him.

"I still can't believe he actually did it." Luke snorts, still finding it amusing that Ashton choked on a quarter. A quarter.

"Is it alright if I get some water?" I ask, standing up from the couch and straightening out my shirt.

"Sure, there're bottles in the fridge. There are some sodas and stuff too, if you change your mind." Luke nods his head towards the kitchen. I walk in and open the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water.

"Grab me a Pepsi, please!" Calum calls from the living room. I grab one and toss it to him, but it misses and lands on the plush pillow beside him. "Thanks!"

"So, Meredith." Luke begins, taking a deep breath as I sit down beside him on the couch. "What's for dinner?"

"I was thinking homemade pizzas, if thats okay with you." I suggest. My stomach quietly rumbles at the image of pizza.

"You guys just met and you're already eating dinner together? Wow, Luke, you work quick." Calum chuckles. He leans back onto the sofa and stretches, letting his hands rest behind his head.

"I lost a bet." I admit softly. Luke smirks when Calum sits back up.

"You did the hot wing thing to her too, didn't you?" He groans. "He bet his watch and I bet all the cash in my wallet. He won, of course. He always does. I don't know why I bet so much."

I laugh along with Luke and Calum pouts, obviously not over the fact that he lost to Luke.

"I suck at FIFA though." Luke shrugs.

We talk for a while and I really get to know Luke and Calum. We laugh and joke until Michael gets back with Ashton's icecream and Ash gets up to eat it, and then we continue to converse with everyone.

They're pretty cool guys.



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