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cashewxbae requested that I include her date with Calpal but I thought it would be weird to change the pov in the actual chapter so here's the date you're welcome

If you haven't yet pls go read her story Escape it's fakin good so far


I've never been so nervous in my entire life.

To say nervous is an understatement of how I feel right now.

I pull into Lily's driveway and turn off my GPS, leaving sweaty fingerprints on the sides of the little black box. I unclip it from the dashboard and wipe it on my pants.

It's a good thing I wore deodorant and cologne, because I'm sweating more than I do when I work out at the gym.

Before I can will myself to get out of thr car, Lily appears in the doorway of her house wearing the most beautiful blue, skin-tight dress that comes down to her knees. Her hair is curled to near perfection. I can see her huge smile from my seat in the car.

I get out of the car, nearly forgetting to undo my seatbelt first, and walk her down the driveway to the passenger side.

"You look beautiful, by the way. I mean, not that you don't always look beautiful, because you do, but I just mean-"

"Thank you, Calum. You look pretty good yourself." She compliments. She reaches to open her door but I beat her to it, swiftly yanking it open and motioning for her to get inside.

"Such a gentleman." She giggles, climbing it. I close the door carefully, making sure I don't slam it on her. That would really but a dent in our relationship.

I get back into my seat and begin the journey to the fancy restaurant I picked out for us. Hopefully it isn't too busy and loud.

After fifteen minutes of singing obnoxiously loud to Ariana Grande and some other singers I don't recognize we finally arrive at our destination. Lily gasps when she sees where we're at.

"This is so pretty!" She squeals, the biggest smile on her face.

I get out of the car first so that I can open her door for her and help her across the parking lot. Those heels must be killing her feet. Literally.

I hold the door to the restaurant open and let her in first, then lead her to the small table in the front where a waiter stands.

"Reservation for Calum Hood." I state, grabbing Lily's hand. Thankfully she doesn't pull it away. That's a good sign.

"Ah, dinner for two. Right this way." The waiter smiles, grabbing two menus and turning to help us to a table.

He brings us to a table near the back of the restaurant, against the wall and beside a window. I make another gentleman move and pull out a chair for her. She thanks me and scoots back in by herself. I take the seat across from her and pick up the menu, giving it a quick scan before deciding on steak and mashed potatoes.

"I know you said you don't like fancy but I wanted to do this right. A fancy dinner in a fancy restaurant with a pretty girl." I explain smoothly, my face turning a light shade of pink. She smiles.

"I don't mind fancy as much as you may think. It's nice to dress up every once in a while." She admits sheepishly. I chuckle.

The waiter comes back and asks us what we would like to drink, and we both end up ordering water with lemon. It's funny how much we have in common.

Not too long after he takes our food orders and I order my steak with mashed potatoes.

"I'll have the same, please." Lily smiles.

It's a relief to go on a date with a girl who wom't order salad and be afraid to eat in front of me, even in a fancy place like this. It seems like every other date I went on the girls had no stomach or something.

"I heard the steak is really good here." She blushes, folding up her menu and setting it at the end of the table. I do the same, minus the blushing, and take her small hands in my large ones.

"You are my soul mate."

She laughs, tilting her head backwards. Her laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. A little snort comes out, making her laugh harder, causing me to join in on the fun.

Our food comes sooner than expected and we eat it up quickly, conversing over everything from A to Z. It's nice being around a girl with such a great sense of humor and such a beautiful smile.

The check comes way too quickly, but I don't let it bring down my mood. Tonight has to be the best night.

Then I remember something that I planned earlier to do, making the butterflies in my stomach make a reappearance.

"Uh, Lily, I have a question." I stutter, wiping my sweaty palms on my used napkin. Nice, Calum.

"What is it? Spit it out already." She laughs, staring me dead in the eyes.

"I uh, was wondering if-if youwouldbemygirlfriend." I rush, a drop of spit flying across the table and nearly landing on her dress. I hope she didn't notice.

"Of course, but only if you'll be my boyfriend."

"Of course."



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