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The restaurant Luke and I sit in is of very high quality. Fairy lights hang off the high ceiling beams, and the dim overhead lights give a romantic feel. Between us sits a single scentless candle, along with a rose in a thin vase.

"Can I ask you a question?" Luke wonders, cutting a piece of his steak and stabbing it with his fork. "Why did you get so upset when you saw Jess and I kissing?"

I think about my words for a moment before answering.

"I just thought we had something. And when I saw you kissing her I figured you didn't think the same thing." I shrug. I twirl my fork in the center of a pile of spaghetti noodles and wrap just enough around before bringing them into my mouth.

"We do have something, Mere. I just didn't see it until Jess and I kissed. I felt nothing." Luke admits shyly.

"Really?" My jaw drops, me only half-expecting it. If he didn't want things to work between us he wouldn't have taken me to dinner.

"I guess I just have a terrible way of showing it. I'm sorry." He stares at his plate and continues to cut his steak into bite-size pieces.

"Luke, look at me." His eyes look up but the rest of his face doesn't. "I forgive you."


"You're warm." I mumble, pressing my face into his chest and practically rolling on top of him. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me.

"Body heat is a wonderful thing."

It's my turn to chuckle now, my voice muffled by his sweatshirt.

"It's late, go home." I state, nearly asleep. I'm such an unattractive sleeper, as many of my friends have told me, and I don't need a cute boy to discover this side of me.



"You're comfy." He squeezes me tighter, pulling me over him so that I'm completely on top of him. My legs tangle themselves with his and my arms extend over the width of the bed.

"You are too."

We stay like this for God knows how long, Family Guy playing silently in the background, until we both seem to fall asleep.


The next morning someone knocks on my door loudly, earning a groan from both Luke and I.

"Just go get it." He mumbles sleepily. His voice is so raspy when he wakes up, it's cute.

I roll off of him and stand up, my toes curling against the cold floor. I exit my bedroom and find my way to the front door and open it, revealing a very tired-looking Jessica Tabernacki.

"What?" I spit, leaning against the doorframe and holding the door still with my left hand. Her eyes aren't welled with tears or sympathetic, but instead hard and furious.

"I cannot believe you actually let me stay in a motel these past two days. There are shady people, junkies, everything. Let me come back or I will literally kill you." She pushes past me and drags her things into my flat. I shake my head and grab her by the hood of her sweatshirt.

"I didn't let you in, now leave before I call the cops." I threaten.

She smirks and drops her carry-on onto the couch.

"Do you really think they'll do anything about this? Laugh, maybe."

"They'll surely do something when they find out that you broke into my apartment and threatened to kill me." I taunt. The smirk leaves her face and she crosses her arms.

"I didn't break in, I knocked first."

"They don't know that."

"Lying to cops? This isn't the same sweet, innocent Meredith I knew back in Bristol." Jess plays, taking a seat on the couch. She wraps an arm around her carry-on and smiles.

"Get out."

"What would Luke do if he found out about what really happened at home before your parents sent you away? I'm willing to bet he'll leave you for someone beautiful. Her name rhymes with Tess."

"He won't be able to get to you when you're behind bars. Leave or I'll call." I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the number, my thumb hovering over the call button. Jess stands and collects her things before leaving through the open door. But before she leaves she turns back to me and states, "I know where to find you."

I slam the door and lock it, double-checking to make sure it's locked before heading back into my bedroom, where Luke sits, awake. He looks up from his phone and pats the spot next to him with a smile. Hesitantly, I sit beside him and smile back.

"Who was at the door?"

"Some lady from upstairs looking for some eggs. It took a long time to assure her I have none." I lie. He cannot know why I was sent to a different country. Jess is right, if he found out he would leave. I can't lose my chance with him.

"Oh, okay. Can we cuddle now?"


All day I spent my time thinking about my frightening encounter with Jess. It makes me shudder to know that she knows everything. She used to be my bestfriend before she suddenly went against me. It makes me sad to know I've lost someone who was once close to me, but after what happened this morning I'm glad she's gone. Well, somewhat gone. I feel like she's going to make a reappearance.

"Luke." I breathe, an idea popping into my head. If she can't find me, she can't make a reappearance.

"What's up?" He responds, putting his phone on his lap.

"I need a new apartment. A bigger one." I state. "This one is kind of small."

"What? If you move, we won't be neighbors anymore." He shakes his head vigorously. "I can't let you leave."

"Come with me." I blurt. I don't even regret it.

"Are you serious?"

"Let's go buy a bigger place with a big bedroom and a nice kitchen and maybe we can get a cat." I smile. He also smiles and brings me into a tight side hug.

"I would love that."


Short and sweet but heyyyyyyy

I had writers block for this chap but I think I did ok comment pls and vote pls and follow pls thx

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