t w e n t y

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I just hit 800 reads omg ily guys so much x

Tbh I didn't think I would make it this far, usually I give up on a book after the second chapter. Thanks for sticking with me(:

I step inside with my mouth hanging wide open, attempting to take everything in. Broken glass crunches under my shoes, and the floorboards creak eerily.

"Oh my God." Michael breathes, stepping into the flat behind me.

"Hurry and get your stuff, we need to go." Calum commands. "I'll call Maxine."

Lily takes my arm and leads me towards my bedroom. "Who's Maxine?"

"A detective slash cop lady." I mutter. Right as we enter the bedroom, a furry blob laying in my disheveled bed catches my eye.

"I forgot you have a cat." Lily laughs, cooing at it as it reveals itself from inside the covers.

"Aw, Fuzzy." I coo, running my hand down his back. I pick him up and hand him to Lily, who holds him while I throw things into a box that I still have from when Luke and I moved in. I pack a box for Luke as well for when he gets released from the hospital in case this whole issue isn't solved by then.

"Alright, let's go." I mumble.

Lily, Fuzzy, and I meet the others in the destroyed lounge, where they are sifting through the mess. Ashton pulls a slab of glass from the mess of what used to be a side table and hands it to me.

The "slab of glass" is actually a piece of a picture frame with the picture still attached. I pull the picture of Luke and I from the glass and slip it into his box.

"I'll grab your cat's stuff." Michael offers, running off to retrieve whatever. Ashton takes one of the boxes from my arms and smiles kindly.

"Alright, do you have everything?" Cal asks, coming up to stand beside Lily. I nod and follow the group out the door, walking slowly so Michael can catch up.


"What did Maxine say on the phone?" I ask, popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth. The Maze Runner plays loudly in the background of everyone's conversations, but no one pays any attention to it except Lily.

Cal groans and crosses his legs. "Something about the police recieving a complaint about noise from that apartment. They're gonna come and check the place out later."

"They're putting it off until later?" I exclaim, smacking my hand on the couch cushion that rests on my lap. "That's ridiculous!"

"Maxine said that it isn't as big of an emergency as inspecting a murder scene and stuff. It's just a trashed flat." Calum shrugs.

"But it's private property, that's called breaking and entering. They also destroyed the place, leaving us with fines from the landlord and complaints from the neighbors. We literally just moved in." I complain. He shrugs again and pulls Lily into him. She doesn't acknowledge it and keeps her eyes locked on the TV screen.

"There's really nothing we can do, Mere. There are no witnesses, no casualties, and no actual evidence. Maybe once the investigators get there they can try and find some kind of DNA sample." Michael shrugs. "There was a lot of glass, I'll bet someone cut themselves and left blood behind."

"I hope." I say quietly.


The following morning, we recieve a call from the hospital Luke is staying at, informing us that his injury is healing nicely and he is able to go home. I'm happy to hear this, especially after having our home invaded and destroyed. We rush to the hospital right away to get him and go, not wanting to deal with anybody.

Once we get back home, Luke and I hide away in the guest bedroom, where I have been sleeping, and I tell him everything that he hasn't already heard. He sifts through his box of items I packed and thanks me for thinking of him.

"I missed sleeping in the same bed." Luke whines, wrapping his good arm around me and pulling me into his chest. I roll over so that my body is pressed against his and breathe in his cologne, feeling extremely grateful that he's okay.

"I would have visited more but there was so much going on and it wasn't safe to do much." I frown. Fuzzy hops up onto the bed and cuddles into Luke, resting between his legs and laying his head on his knee. Luke fights the bandages and reaches out to pet the cat, who only purrs and stretches in response.

"I understand completely. But we're here now, and that's all that matters." He smiles lightly and kisses my forehead, pulling away with a smack of his lips. I giggle and press my face into his good shoulder.

The door bursts open suddenly and Lily walks in, her phone in hand. She jumps onto the bed and criss-crosses her legs.

"Guys." She says, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. "Maxine called - some guy turned himself in and claimed to have been a part of the raid in your apartment."

"What? Are you serious?" I ask, sitting up and letting Luke's arm drop onto the bed. He groans and pouts but I ignore him and focus on the information I'm learning. "Anything else?"

"He totally sold Jess and Nick out. He said that he was paid to help them and he needed the money...and I guess since he fessed up and is now on our side he's on probation and got fined." Lily explains quickly. "Maxine says she's ordering a restraining order on him so that he legally can't come near us but that doesn't mean he won't."

"We just have to be careful. Did she say anything else?" Luke asks, sitting up as well.

"Something about us being relocated for safety purposes. She didn't give me any details so it probably isn't a solid plan yet, but I think it would be good to get away for a while." She shrugs and crawls off of the bed, ready to leave us alone again. She leaves without another word.


Our entire friend group agrees that it would be nice to have a family meal, so we all gather at the large dining table and pig out to whatever was in the place. Spaghetti, frozen pizza, bacon, and eggs are passed from person to person until everyone is served.

"Even though this isn't your average meal, I'm really glad we're all eating together." Ashton smiles through a mouthful of eggs. I grimace and laugh at his goofy expression and stuff half of a slice of pizza into my mouth.

"A girl becomes three times more attractive when she eats messily." Luke mutters, a goofy side-grin on his face. He uses his napkin to wipe a bit of sauce from the side of my mouth and smiles even wider. "You just got a lot hotter."

"Enough of the ooey-gooey sappy flappy stuff. It makes me feel even lonlier." Michael groans with a roll of his eyes.

"Sorry." I smirk, bringing a forkful of spaghetti to my mouth. Suddenly, Calum's phone begins ringing, the Spongebob Squarepants theme song blaring over the sound of silverware rubbing against paper plates and scraping against our teeth.

After a silent pause while we listen to the ringtone, Lily finally says, "Are you gonna answer it?"

Calum scrambles for his phone and slides his thumb across the screen before bringing it to his ear.

"Guys, it's Maxine again." He says quickly, swallowing hard. "That guy's probation officer, the one who confessed earlier, found him dead in his flat. She says that we're being relocated in two days."

"Where are we going?" I ask for all of us.

"She won't say so that we don't accidentally blab, but we're going to another country." He informs us. He talks for another minute before finally saying goodbye and setting his phone on the table.

"I think we could all use a little vacation." Michael shrugs, lifting his eyebrows and smirking slightly.

Sorry for the long wait holy shït

I thought about quitting this story but I decided that i will finish it, even if it takes forever

Sorry if you thought this book was over, lol jokes

Ily thanks for sticking around:)

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