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"Are you sure you'll be fine alone? You could always come hang out with me at work." I suggest, clipping my name tag onto my shirt.

"I think I'll just explore a little bit. I mean I've only got a week here, might as well have a look around." Jess shrugs. She picks her purse up off of my bedroom floor and hangs it over her shoulder, letting it fall against her hip.

"Do you need money? Mum sent me a check and-"

"I'm good, thanks." She smiles. I smile back and lead the way out the door. She follows, closing the front door behind her. I lock it and follow her to the elevator.


"He tried to kiss you?" Alicia laughs, nearly choking on a piece of lettuce from her salad. "I called it!"

"It was so awkward. I pretended to sneeze to get out of it." Lily explains with a laugh.

We're currently sitting in the break room on our lunch break, catching up on the weekend.

"The thing is though, he's such a gentleman that I almost feel bad for not liking him back, you know?" Lily shrugs. I pop a Hot Cheeto into my mouth.

"It is what it is."

Alicia chuckles and sips her water.

"What else happened?" She pries, stabbing a crouton with her plastic fork.

"He took me to some fancy place I can't even pronounce, held doors for me, paid for the entire meal, and tried playing footsies under the table with me. Totally sweet but I was so out of my comfort zone. I'd rather go get some wings or something."

"Luke took me out for wings on our first 'date'." I brag, putting air quotes around 'brag.'

"I need my own Luke." Lily sighs dreamily. Alicia and I laugh at her playfulness and I bump her side with my elbow.

"You'll find your own Luke soon."


After work, Alicia, Lily, and I decided to hang out at my place so I could introduce them to Jess. Hopefully she didn't get murdered while I was at work.

I unlock the door with my key to find the apartment empty. Jess must still be out.

"Can we meet Luke instead? I've been dying to meet him since you first mentioned him." Alicia pleads, jutting out her lower lip and pulling puppy dog eyes. Lily follows her actions. I can't resist.

"Fine." I huff, caving in quite quickly.

"Thanks, Meredith. You're the best." Alicia smirks. I shake my head and lead them next door. I knock and open the door, which is unsurprisingly unlocked, only to nearly poop my pants.

Jess and Luke sit on the couch, legs tangled, lips locked. A strange, almost animal-like noise escapes my throat, grabbing the attention of the two face-eaters.

Jess's jaw drops and Luke's eyes widen. Both freeze and neither know what to say.

Shaking my head, I approach them both and pull their legs apart. Then I spot the charm bracelet I bought Jess a while back dangling on her wrist.

"This," I start, yanking the bracelet off of her wrist, "belongs to me."

She gasps, shooting up to stop me, but I'm already backing up.

"And you," I turn to Luke with tears in my eyes. "I cannot believe you."

"We never had any label, Meredith! You can't expect me to wait for you forever!" Luke shouts, standing up as well.

"You have a boyfriend, Jessica! What the hell?" I screech, backing up farther towards the door. I can't even tell if Alicia and Lily are still there.

"He won't know unless you tell him!" She yells back. I shake my head.

"Forget staying at my place. Find a damn motel." I spit, leaving the apartment with a slam of the door. Alicia is no where to be seen, but I spot Lily near the elevator talking to...Calum?

Her head tilts back in a laugh and he smiles brightly. Jealousy sparks in me as they instantly hit it off. Why can't Luke and I be this way?

I enter my apartment and lock the door, then head to my room and pack Jess's bags for her. I don't want to see her right now.

I peek at the charm bracelet in my hand and inspect the charms carefully. One birthday cake, which I got for her on her birthday, a lock and key, and a heart.

I slide the bracelet into the front pocket of het suitcase and zip it up, making sure I don't leave a gap. Then I lug the suitcase in the hallway and leave it there, double checking to make sure my door is locked again.

I don't want to be in a funk all day, so I quickly change and grab my purse and take the elevator downstairs. Luckily, I avoid all people.

I manage to make it a few feet down the street when someone calls my name, causing me to pause on instinct. When I see who it is I continue to walk.

"Please, Mere, hear me out." Luke pleads, jogging to catch up with me.

"I don't need to hear anything, I saw what I saw. Were you just going to lead me on forever, Luke?" I breathe, stopping to look at him. Walking and talking at the same time is exhausting.

"No, I'm such an idiot. I don't know what i was doing." He sighs. He runs his fingers through his hair again, something I've come to realize he does when he's nervous, "I've just never felt like this before, I don't know what to do."

"Here's what you could do: leave me alone. K?" I begin to walk away when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back over to him. His hands find my waist and my arms naturally wrap themselves around the back of his neck.

"I've never had the courage to do this before, I don't know what's come over me." He whispers, his forehead now pressing against mine.

Before I can ask what he means, his lips press against my own in a soft-yet-passionate kiss. It sounds so cliché to say that the world around me seems to dissappear, but it's true. All I can focus on is the way his lips taste of mint gum and the coldness of his lip ring against my upper lip.

We pull apart to take a breath and I can't seem to break my gaze from his baby blue eyes.

"Can I take you on a real date?" He asks, bringing his lip ring between his top and bottom teeth.



You should all take a second to read Escape by cashewxbae bc she is bae


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