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Luke made himself breakfast early in the morning, claiming he had somewhere to be, before heading out, which left Calum and I alone to fend for ourselves. At first we had no idea what to eat or where to go but then Cal suggested some website that gives ratings of restaurants in your area. We discover that there is a McDonalds in the food court of the mall, which sounds pretty appealing to me.

"Do you know if it's cold today?" I ask, trying to decide whether or not to put on a jacket.

"It looks sunny as hell so I think it's pretty warm." He says, taking off his long sleeve. He is built. He shrugs on one of Luke's short sleeves and lets the old shirt hang off his arm. "Ready?"

I nod and follow him out, making sure to lock the door behind me. No need for any robberies on our second day here. Or any day, for that matter.

He unlocks his car and gets into the driver's seat, waiting for me to get in before starting the car.

It only takes ten minutes of jamming to Iggy Azalea to get to the mall, which is convenient. The ride wasn't awkward at all. I feel like Cal and I are becoming good friends, which is nice after losing my supposed "bestfriend."

"You're lucky I'm good friends with Lily, otherwise I might not be walking through these doors with you right now." I joke, pushing on the door. It doesn't budge.

"Is it closed?" I wonder, pushing some more.

"It says pull, idiot." He grabs the handle and pulls open the door, motioning for me to go in first. I hurry in to hide my embarrassment.

Before we go to any stores, we find the food court and locate the small McDonalds. Hardly any people are here, which doesn't surprise me, considering it's a weekday.

Calum offers to order while I find a table that isn't wet or dirty. I manage to find a decent one near a garbage can, which kind of smells, but it beats eating on someone else's filth.

It isn't long before he returns, carrying a tray with an assortment of foods. He sets it down onto the table which allows me to get a better view, showing me hashbrowns, egg mcmuffins, and more. My stomach grumbles at the heavenly sight.

"I paid for it since you're helping me out today. Consider it a huge thank you." He informs me, taking the seat across from me.

"You really wanna impress her, huh?" I grab a hashbrown from the tray and take a huge bite, trying not to dribble. That would be embarrassing.

"Of course. She's the first girl who's taken a genuine interest in me."

"Seriously? That can't be true. Don't think I'm coming on to you but you're, like, hot. So you're lying." I scoff. He shrugs.

"Girls usually just hang around to hook up with me. Lily's not one of those girls."

My heart flutters at his sweet words. I wonder if Luke talks about me this way when I'm not around.

We finish breakfast quite quickly and it isn't long after when we find ourselves strolling in and out of stores, looking around and comparing prices.

"How about this one?" I ask, holding a plain white button up to his torso. It makes his tan skin pop, and I'm sure the tightness will show off a bit of muscle as well, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Better than the rest, I guess. Do I need a tie? What about dress pants?" He takes the shirt by the hanger and tosses it over his arm.

"You just need black for both. Those are easy." I say, glancing around at the racks surrounding. It doesn't take long to find a pair of slacks in the right size and a quality tie.

Calum brings the clothes up to the register to pay before joining me outside the store, where I wait. We fall into step beside each other and find the car.

"You'll help me get ready too, right?" He asks, turning the keys in the ignition and starting the car. I nod.

"Is this your first real date?"

"Technically, yes." He shrugs. "I really don't want to mess up. We could have cute babies some day."

I laugh and he joins in, pulling out of the parking lot and quickly merging onto the busy street.

"What time are you picking her up?" I ask, nonchalantly scolling through my recent Twitter feed.

"Seven. We have reservations for seven thirty." He informs me. I nod and continue exploring Twitter.

We get back to the apartment building quite quickly due to the low amount of traffic. It doesn't take long for us to actually get inside and greet Luke, letting him help us to get Calum ready for his date.


Calum leaves a few minutes before seven to pick up Lily to take her on their technical first date. I think it's cute that she finally found a guy she likes.

"I'm willing to bet you're wondering where I went this morning." Luke smirks, leading me into the living room and handing me my jacket from the rack. I furrow my eyebrows and warily push my arms through the sleeves.


"You're about to find out."

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