Chapter 24

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The next night, we pulled up to Chad's big ass house. We both stepped out of Max's brand new Mercedes Benz he rich dad had gotten her for Christmas. Ben was waiting for us at the front door and it took all my strength not to break down laughing when his eyes went wide at the sight of us.

As we strode up to him, "Mave, look at you! Mark my word you are the most beautiful girl at this party. Actually the most gorgeous woman in the world," he remarked, grabbing my waist.

"I would hope that you think that."

"Hey, what about me dork face?"

"Um, well, that's kind of a tough spot. Because your my girlfriend's best friend and all. I'm not saying your ugly, but I personally, don't find you attractive."

"Good answer," she said, eyeing him.

"Wait, was that like a test?" He asked, alarmed.


"Oh and by the way," Max threatened, pressing a finger into his chest, "this girl, is my best friend and I love her, so if you ever do anything to hurt her, and I mean at all, I will break your face and ruin your life. You feel me?"

"Uh, yeah. Got it. I don't think you'll have to worry," he said, taking a step back.

"Cool!" She exclaimed, smiling again, "You seem nice, and you have a nice nose so I'd be a real shame to have to break it."

"Should we head inside?" He suggested, nervously.

Max stepped ahead of us into the house and behind her back he whispered, "Your friend is kinda scary."

"I know. That's the effect she was going for."

"Well that's just swell."

As we stepped into Chad's house, the smell of weed and alcohol slapped me in the face. The music was shaking the house and I could feel the bass vibrating in my bones.

"Heyyyy, welcome all. There's drinks in the kitchen and weed basically everywhere. If your looking for something stronger hit up my boy, Travis. He's got the goods. And remember, Mi casa, su casa," Chad welcomed in an airy voice.

"Chad, dude. Are you already high?" Ben asked.

"You know it duuuuude!" He replied, testing how long he could stretch out the u in dude. Before he could say anything else he walked off to talk to other people.

"He's gonna be passed out before midnight."

"Yep," I said, blandly.

"Oh my gosh, it's Eric! He's coming this way, how do I look?" Max asked, anxiously.

"You look super hot, now just act natural."

Eric walked up to Ben before I could get another word out to Max.

"Hey, Ben! What's up?" He greeted, giving him one of those insanely aggressive manly hugs.

"I'm good man."

"Who's this?" He asked, gesturing to me.

"This is my girlfriend, Melanie," he answered slipping his arm around my waist.

"Oh, girlfriend? Good or you. Nice to meet you, Melanie, wait we have history together right?"

"Yeah, we do."

"Sick. And your Maxine right?"

"W-who?" She says dumbly. I bump her with my elbow and give her a "pull yourself together look".

"Oh, yeah. Maxine, that's me. Everyone calls me Max though."

"Max, I like it. We have art together. I've seen your stuff. It's really good."

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