Chapter 21

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"Isa, why would you do that?" Ben scolded.

"What's she talking about?" His dad, ordered.

"Micheal," Destiny warned, "Isabelle, honey, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing. I just saw a ring on Melanie's finger, and it's on the same one you and daddy's are, and it's a real nice ring so I just thought... maybe their getting married," she said, her voice small. When everyone's gaze turned to me, I saw her slip out of her chair and curl up underneath the table. I kind of just sat there until Ben placed his hand on my leg so I would look up at him. He looked nervous and also like he was giving up. He nodded his head towards his parents and I took that as a just give up and tell them. I raised my hand and wiggled my fingers so attention could be drawn to the ring. And I tell you at least 5 people audibly gasped.

Another hand on my leg underneath the almost knocked my soul of of my skin. I looked down and Isa was under there, her arms and legs wrapped around my calf, holding on for dear life. She looked up at me and mother "sorry", I smiled down at here and placed a hand on her pale blonde hair.

"Um, Benny, can you explain to us what's happening here before your father has a heart attack," Destiny asked, breaking the silence.

"Guys relax. Mom, I did not propose and we're not getting married."

"Kids go out to the living room to play with your presents," Micheal said, not breaking eye contact with Ben. They all popped up out of their chairs and ran off, except Isa, who's grip on my leg only tightened.

"Then why's the girl on an engagement ring?" He asked.

I don't know how I felt about being called "the girl" but it wasn't a positive feeling. I seriously thought about joining Isa under the table. I settled for shrinking a little into my chair.

"Melanie has a promise ring on her finger. It was her Christmas gift from me," I could hear the anger building in his voice.

"Can I see the ring, honey," Destiny asked.

"Of course," I whisper, sliding it off my finger and handing it to her.

"Oh Benjamin. This is a very nice ring. A very expensive ring. Where'd you get the money for this?"

"My summer jobs, chores, babysitting, I saved. And it was with all my own money."

"That's very responsible of you," she said, handing me back the ring.

"Why something so expensive though? You could've bought something more practical with that kind of money. You could've but a down payment on the car you've always wanted." His dad, explained.

"I know that, but nothing would of had more meaning as this ring. A new car wouldn't have made Melanie as happy as this ring did. Sure I could have bought her several less expensive gifts, but they wouldn't be as special as this. She means a lot to me, so I wanted to get her something that would mean a lot to her."

I smiled at this. I didn't know he had put so much thought into this. I probably would have loved anything he'd given me but the thought he put into ring and the effort he took to get it for me meant so much, he didn't even know. I lifted my eyes from where Isa still clung to my leg to look at everyone who sat at this table. I looked at his parents, his grandparents, his uncle who'd fallen asleep, and I caught a glimpse of his aunt who'd gone to watch the kids, peeking around the corner.

"The ring really does mean a lot to me, and not because of the fact that's it expensive, I love it because Ben put so much thought into what it would mean to me and he worked hard to give me something he knew I'd love. It doesn't have to be a diamond ring or anything like that, all that really matters to me is that it's special and it came from him," I said, breaking the tension and silence.

His mom and dad exclaimed a glance and nodded, "I suppose it's fine, since it means so much to you already. And I know it's your money, but if it's going to be a big purchase like this run it buy us first, alright?" Destiny suggested.

"That's fair, I will Mom. Sorry for the confusion," giving a nervous smile.

"How much was that ring anyway?" Micheal asked. I turned to face him because I also wondered this.

"Um..almost 800 dollars...before tax."

Every single jaw at the table dropped. I was speechless.

"Benjamin Micheal Beauchamp! That is an absurd amount!"

"I know Mom, I can see how you could think that."

"How she could think that? That's almost 1000 dollars! On a promise ring!" His dad bellowed.

I felt Isa grip on my leg tighten. I think it's the yelling that scares her. She's is only eight. I tapped her on the head and when she looked up at me she was crying. I waved her up here and she scrambled up into my lap, wrapping her arms right around my neck. She seemed so much smaller when she was afraid, like the big personality she had all the time was broken into pieces. And that's enough to make a person mad.

"What is she still doing in here?" Micheal demanded. Her grip around my neck tightened the smallest amount.

"She's been hiding under that table. She's afraid, this yelling is scaring her. And it's all over what? A ring? That's ridiculous. I don't need an 800 dollar ring. But right now Isa needs this yelling to stop. Much less you don't need to be yelling about it. The money has been spent. The ring is on my finger already, there's nothing that can be done about it. So stop with this foolishness and just let it go." I didn't wait for a response from anyone, I stood up and carried Isa out of the room.

After that we sat on her bed and watched Descendants on my phone.

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