Chapter 19

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(Extra special chapter!!)

Destiny's POV

I looked at this girl, curled up in a ball next my son, her head on his chest. She seemed nice. And she really cares about my Benny, but it felt like she was keeping something from me. Like she had secrets. She acted very guarded. But with Ben, it looked like she didn't have a care in the world except to be with him. Maybes he already knows all her secrets, maybe he just doesn't care. Or she could just be a good actor, but if she is faking she's real good at it. Over the past two days I've been back, I stayed with Ben in the hospital for only a few hours. But in that time it is impossible to not notice the way her face lights up when he returns from anywhere, a checkup, the cafeteria, even the bathroom. It's like his presence has a constant effect on her. Like without him she wouldn't, and couldn't, be happy. I know he's good to her, and I know he loves her, but I hope he knows what he's got himself into. Because this girl has some obvious baggage.

But putting that aside, I'm glad my little boy finally found someone. He's never dated anyone up till now and his junior year is almost over. I thought he'd be alone forever. I hope he's happy. I gathered my things to leave but I dropped my purse and it's contents scattered all over the floor. I ran to go pick everything up, but then I heard stirring above me. The girl, Melanie's her name, has woken up and was picking up my things. She handed them to me, with me a sleepy smile on her face.

"Oh, sorry for waking you. Thank you."

"It's alright, I had to go to the bathroom anyway."

She walked off to the bathroom and once she'd shit the door behind her I turned to look at Ben. He was restless. His crows had crumpled together and he was frowning. I walked over to his bedside and ran my hand over his hair, smoothing it back, to see if I could get him to smile like when he was small. His brows relaxed at my touch but his smile was smaller than it used to be and lasted for only a second before falling into the slightly parted line it's usually is. I removed my hand and went to grab the last of my things when Melanie walked out the bathroom and back into bed. Ben was still shifting and turning like a mad man, but when she laid down to face him she placed her hand lightly on his cheek, stroking it quietly. He relaxed in an instant. And his smile was bigger than I'd ever seen it before. It relaxed into its normal line and he draped his arm over her and pulled her close. Really close. Now I felt like I should leave, but as I was shrugging into my coat I heard,

"Benjamin, your mom is still here so stop that."

I chanced a look over there and when I looked I saw an all teeth grin on his face. He opened his eyes and stared into hers. Then he turned to me.

"Hey mom."

"Benny, how are you? I was just leaving."

"It's okay Mom, you don't have to leave."

"No I do, Isa is still at home and she's going to wake up soon."

"Mom, Isa is almost 9, I think she can sleep in the house alone. She doesn't even know you're not there."

"I know but it's the first day of Christmas break and I promised her breakfast. Plus she's waiting to hear about you," I say, heading towards the door.

"Well tell her I'll be home tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, bye Benny. I love you. Goodbye Melanie. Oh and thank you," I say, opening the door.

"For what?" She asks.

"For taking care of my baby boy for me."

Then I leave and shut the door behind me.

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