Chapter 15

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(Exclusive Chapter!!)

Ben's POV:

I open the front door without hesitation and no one even co es over to observe the fact that someone just walked into their house.

Another first impression is that the whole house smells like weed and tequila and other foul odors that I don't know how to explain. And it seemed just about every surface was covered in a thin layer of grime.

The door opened into a small entrance are then right into the living room and a hallway on the left. The living room lads onto the kitchen and the hallways leads to the bedrooms and the bathroom.

I walked forward and someone yelled out, "Melanie is that you?"

"No, it's not."

Apparently my voice was not the voice her mom, and whoever else may be here, had been expecting.

"Who's there?" A deep voice asked. So there is another person here.

A tall black man with dreads turned the corner and stared right at me. To my surprise he was just about the same height as me.

"Who the fuck are you?" He spit out.

"I'm Melanie's boyfriend." I replied, plainly.

He let out a sharp laugh and said, "Her boyfriend? Please. You don't want that whore. She damaged goods. I've already had her. I do t think you want to seen walking around with a slut."

So he was the one. The jerk-face mother fucking dickhead that ruined Melanie's life. I not entirely sure what happened next but it ended with me taking a step forward a punching that self absorbed asshole in the face a lot more than once.

As he crumpled to the ground I yelled, "Don't ever think about, talk about, or say Melanie's name ever again. You don't deserve that privilege. Fuck you." I have him one last good kick in the balls and started off down that hall.

I had only gotten about three steps in before her mom called out, "What the hell is going on out there. I told you to handle whoever was at the door, Drake."

She walked through the kitchen's archway with a beer bottle in hand and a pissed off expression on her face. She stopped dead at the sight of me and her eyes flicked between me and her boyfriend what-the-fucks-his-name on the floor thinking about what to do I guess.

She decided to throw the beer bottle at me. She missed obviously because she was black out drunk I'm surprised she was standing, honestly. It hit the wall all the glass ricocheted into my face and massive piece of it sliced open my forehead and I felt all the tiny cuts form on the palms of my hands as I tried to protect my face. I didn't want to stick around so I booted the last ten steps down the hall to Mavis's room and closed the door. I took a second to admire how clean and organized her room was to the rest of the house. It was understandable. This was her safe haven. The only place she could be away from all the mess and chaos outside this door.

I pulled myself back to now when her mom started pounding on the door. It has no lock but I guess she forgot or something. I grabbed her backpack up off the floor and ran to her dresser drawers and started filling it with a fistful of whatever I grabbed from each drawer. I paused for a moment when I opened the drawer that holds her underwear. There was lots of lace visible but I didn't have time to get embarrassed right know. Mavis is in the car probably worrying her head off.  I filled the backpack to the brim, grabbed her phone from where it lay on the floor. And opened the door quickly hitting her mom, who was still in front of it, in the head and giving me the perfect amount of time to run back to the car.

I slammed the door and relaxed into the drivers seat for only about 3 seconds when her mom opened the door and started towards the car. With a baseball bat. I not exactly sure what she planned to do with it but I had a good guess. I could Mavis's voice somewhere in the background but I couldn't focus on anything except getting us out of that driveway.

Once we were ways down the road I pulled over to catch my breath. Only then did then did I realize that Melanie was yelling at me.

"Benjamin! Look at me! Are you alright?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look and fine, and what happened to your face? You're bleeding." She shrieked, taking my face in her hands.

I grabbed her hands and pulled them away from my face, "I am fine. You're mom tried to throw a beer bottle at me, she missed but the glass ricocheted off the wall."

"You look like you're about to pass out, Ben. And you lost a lot of blood, why don't you let me drive?" She offered.

That's probably for the best, so I nodded and got out the car but when my feet hit the asphalt and I stood, everything went black.

( Author's note: what did you guys think over this chapter in Ben's POV, if you liked it might do more but if you didn't let me know.)

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