Chapter 6

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We sat together silently eating lots of breakfast tacos, and I mean like a lot. We leaned up against a massive tree, next to a very oddly scenic lake. I didn't even know this place existed. It took a wide variety of twists and wired turns to reach it and I'm surprised that his car made it through that, it's obviously not meant for rough terrain. I reached down to take a drink of my Dr.Pepper and when I looked back up Benjamin was staring at me again. He was thinking hard about something and I knew what.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, still staring.

I sighed and brought a hand to the back of my neck and dug in my fingernails four times. I really didn't want to. It's still very fresh and I don't know how I would handle trying to talk about it. Honestly I don't know how Ben would handle it. We're not even together and he's already very protective of me, not that I mind (personally I think it's kind of hot...). I don't even think he knows I like him. I'm sure he has an idea though. I was rudely taken from my thoughts by a finger in between my eyebrows.

"You're thinking too hard," he said, dropping his hand, "I'm not going to push you but I think you'll feel better."

I sighed again and scooted closer to him, to lay my head on his shoulder.I knew he was right, I would feel better than I would keeping it in. I just didn't think I could get the words out.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I closed my eyes and burrowed my head in the nook between his neck and shoulder.

"It was, Friday night and I didn't do anything I was just minding my own fucking business why would he-," I cut off, I was angry now. No I was pissed off, he ruined me and what did I do to provoke it, nothing, fucking nothing. With these angry thoughts came tears. They dripped off the tip of my nose and onto Ben's shirt. Oh shit Ben, I forgot he was here.

"I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean to," I start.

"Hey, stop. It's alright," he said, picking me up and setting me on his lap, "You have no reason to say sorry," he continues, wrapping his arms around me.

He held me there while I cried, his arms strong and still around me.

After I'd quieted, Ben said, "He did things to you didn't he, and you didn't want him to. He hurt you, without your consent,"

When I didn't answer he said, "He did, didn't he Mel?"

"I always get what I want, Mel," he'd said. That name.

"Benjamin, never call me that again, ever. Okay," I said, pulling back to look at him

He nodded and pulled me back to him, my head resting on his chest. I'd never answered his question, but he knew. I didn't have to say anything and he wouldn't make me either.

We sat there not talking just watching the day fall away and the sun go down. We both knew we should get home but the weight of everything we talked about, but didn't talk about at the same time, kept us there, unmoving.

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