Chapter 23

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Over the last week of the break I spent a lot of time during the day with Maxine, who'd been on what felt like the longest vacation ever. She demanded to know every single detail about what happened it's me and Ben. I told her the good parts the bad parts and the absolutely amazing parts. And she had something to say about all of them. She's very opinionated. She told be about her  boyfriend she met on the beach during her vacation to Barbados. But then she saw him kissing some lifeguard chick named Olivia.  I consoled her and we spent an hour calling Olivia nasty names that ranged from "wet moldy socks" to "ugly dirty fucking hoe bag slut". That kind of stuff was mostly said by Maxine.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered, Ben said that Eric is single now," I said.


"Sorry I forgot. Stop yelling."

"I need deets! Now!"

"Okay um, he broke up with Jenny on like Christmas Eve at some party. Emily told Chad and Chad told Monica and Monica told Ben and Ben told me, that Eric caught her making out with Dominic."

"Drug Dom?"

"No, Dumb Ass Dominic. The one who acts high but isn't and is smart but has shit grades."

"OMG, that is the hugest new. Now I can finally shoot my shot. Wait how do I do that? I can't just ask him out? That's weird? And what if Jenny gets mad or something? I know their not together anymore but bitches like Jenny are crazy."

"Hey, it's fine. I have an idea. Chad is throwing this party at his place on Saturday, his parents are out of town for some anniversary or something. Let's just you dress up super hot and you can prance around in front of Eric all night. He'll totally fall for you."

"OMG, that's genius! Your the best!"

"I know, now easy with the hugs I have to breathe still."

"Wait," she said releasing my neck, "Today is Friday, we only have one day to pick out my outfit!"

"Then let's get to work! By the way, I'm going to borrow one of your dresses. None of mine are very fit for a party."

"Ooh we have to dress you up sexy too! Ben won't be able to keep his hands off you!"

"No Max, there is no way I'm having sex with him at Chad's house, hell no."

"Oh come on! Do it for me, please?" She said, looking at me with her puppy dog eyes,

"Ugh, fine. You're no fair."

Yes! Let's get this party started!"

"First outfit, then we'll decide on hair. 'Kay?"

After 4 hours hours, half of maxes closet was on the ground.

"Alright. Ooh how about this one?" She said pulling a dark red, skin tight dress from her closet.

"Oh my gosh! Yes that's so the one!" I say, clapping my hands together.

"And guess what? I've got a matching one!" She said, pulling a second dress, but black this time.

"I dunno Max, it's a little to matchy-matchy with my hair don't you think?"

"Oh at least try it on you party pooper."

"Okay, I won't say I told you so."

We both put on our dresses and looked at each other on the mirror.

"Wait it actually doesn't look bad," I say, slightly shocked.

"I told you so!"

"Maxine, you look freaking gorgeous. Eric doesn't know what's coming for him."

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