Chapter 4

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It was a normal night. A completely normal Friday evening. I'm sitting in my room procrastinating whether I should text Benjamin or not when Drake decided to walk in. He had been in my moms room doing, I don't even wanna know. He stumbled in looking so drunk I was surprised he could stand, let alone walk. He had this look on his face, like he was excited but bored at the same time and something dark rested in his eyes. He had intentions, I don't know what though.

"Hey Mel," he said, his words slurring so much I could barely understand him.

"Um, hi," I said, a little nervous, " do you need something?"

"Just a quick question, you're like 13 right?" He asked. Ouch that hurt.

"Umm no, I'm 16," I replied , more than a little insulted at being mistaken for 13, but okay.

He smiled at me and tossed the beer bottle he had in his hand into the floor, its contents seeping into my rug I had just bought.

I would have said something but I was getting more and more nervous.

"Oh that's even better," he said, sound very sinister, " I was getting a little bored of your mom in there, the same thing over and over again, but I really like the look of you and I'm looking for something new, so here I am."

" What do you mean?" I ask, a little scared now because I think I know what he meant.

"Oh baby, I think you know what I mean," he said, as he turned around to lock my door.

I knew a hindered percent of what his intentions were now and I wanted no part in it, I wanted out. I scooted back as far as I could in my bed and threw the covers over me.

"Don't be like that now babe, don't make me get angry with you," he said, coming closer, while simultaneously undoing his belt. I silently shook my head while tears rolled down my face.

"No," I choked out, "please."

"Too late honey, I've made up my mind, now get over here before I start yelling."

I shook my head again and shrunk back further into my pillows.

"Fine, you want to be like that, I always get what I want Mel," he said, lunging at me.

He grabbed me roughly by the wrist and pulled me off the bed so hard my shoulder popped. He grabbed me tight around the neck, so tight I could barely breathe and pushed me hard against the wall. I was crying still and I was panicking and I was dreading what I knew was coming next. I can't fight back, he's strong, and way bigger than me. I couldn't stop crying and that didn't help the fact that he had such a strong grip on my throat I could barely get a single breath in.

"Like I said," he breathed, his face uncomfortably close to mine, " I always get what I want," then he crushed his lips over mine. I tried to fight him but he pushed back and I could feel my lips bruising. He thrust his tongue down my throat and he tasted like beer and weed. He released one hand from my neck and pulled down his pants then mine, and I couldn't stop the scream of pain when he entered me. His hand tightened around my throat and cut my voice off from lack of breath.

"Shut it," he said, violently.

I'm in so much pain, I just want this to be over. And it soon was because he could only last so long. He left me there naked on the floor with a pat on the head and a "thanks kid". After he left I ran and locked the door then sank down against it and sat there numb. I can't feel a thing. And frankly I don't want to. I walked over to my bed, slowly putting back on my clothes. I lay there almost the whole night sobbing and shaking, when I almost succumbed to sleep the whole thing came flooding back and I cried harder and harder, eventually though it stopped coming back because my brain and body were exhausted, so I slept. For approximately 10 hours and 13 minutes. I woke in the morning at 11:37, but I didn't get up. My mom came in to yell at me to do my chores because she didn't know how to cook basically anything, but I ignored her. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move and I couldn't breathe. My body was feeling so many things at once they all cancel eachother out, so I lay there, eyes closed, feeling nothing. I fell asleep again then repeated that whole thing the next day, I didn't eat, I tried to once but I couldn't hold it down. I got up once to use the bathroom. That night I dreaded tomorrow, I couldn't face anyone, especially Benjamin. Oh god, Benjamin, I really don't want to see him. I fell asleep without even realizing it, thoughts Benjamin filling my mind to the brim.

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