Chapter 8

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I slowly unlocked the door hoping my mom would be sleeping, the light was on though so that seemed unlikely. I stepped inside and the first thing I saw was my mom passed-out-cold drunk on the floor in front of the couch. She couldn't even make it to the couch, god. I ran to my room and locked the door behind me. I collapsed on my bed in a fit of giggles, the kisses still fresh on my lips. He likes me, he really likes me.

Holy shit he likes me.

I stared at my ceiling thinking over today's events, unconsciously bringing a hand to my lips. Then the panic set in. I'm broken. I'm damaged. He couldn't love me, no one could love me. The one person in my life who loved me is gone, and he's never coming back. Even Max has been distant for a while, and I don't know why. This is going too far, I'm falling for him and that can't happen, he doesn't like me, he had a lapse of judgment. My own mother doesn't even like me, how could he. He's just some random guy I had accidentally ran into one random Thursday morning. Love is dangerous, and from what I've learned love never ends well, not for me, not for my parents. This world has hurt me enough, I don't think I could take it anymore. After everything, Dad, Drake, Mom, I just...couldn't. My breathing spikes and I realize I'm crying. I let myself cry, and cry, and cry, the pain I'd worked so hard to keep inside, overflowing in me like a cup. I just want it to stop, the endless pain, the guilty feelings, the trying to keep the feelings inside and out of people's wandering gaze. I want out of this, I want out of everything.

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