Chapter 22

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Prince Ben had just started singing "Did I Mention" and me and Isa were dancing and singing along but someone interrupted our jam sesh by knocking on her door.

"Come in," I said. Benjamin came in and immediately took Isa up in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Isa, I didn't mean to make you upset. I had no idea you were still down there or I wouldn't have started yelling."

"It's okay, Benji. I forgive you." She said, hugging him back.

"Mom and Dad wanna talk to you now, okay?" He said, setting her down.

"Okay. When I come back can we finish the movie, that parts my favorite."

"Of course we can."

Once she leaves Ben turns to me, "I am so sorry Mave, I didn't want it to turn into a whole thing with my parents that's why I didn't tell them about the ring, but it turned into a whole thing anyways and I'm really sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad or anything. Well I was but I'm not anymore. The situation was resolved. Now can dinner continue, cus I'm still hungry."

"Oh yeah, everyone's back at the table now."

"I still can't believe you spent that much on my ring."

"Well I think you're worth much more than a measly 800 dollars. Just wait until we're actually engaged."

He is a courageous soul.

"What if we break up before we're old enough to get married? What then?"

"Please, you think I'd do anything stupid to make us break up, as if I'd let you go. I'm not an idiot."

"Eh, I beg to differ."

"What was that I didn't hear you. What?! I still can't hear you! Oh, you better hurry to the table before they run out of sweet potato casserole." He joked.

I laughed and followed him down the hall. Whenever I sat down his parents tried to apologize to me but I said, "No, no, it's completely fine. I actually wanted to apologize as well, I didn't mean to come off as rude earlier."

"Oh no honey it's totally fine, thank you for standing up for our little girl."

I smiled and looked at Isa who was currently stuffing her face with ham, "Anytime."

After the dinner was over we all sat around and and chatted, the adults drank, and kids were dropping into sleep like flies. I volunteered to take the fallen kids to the guest room upstairs, since I had nothing much better to do. Isa was the last kid awake, surprisingly, but she dozing in and out of sleep and finally succumbed to its calls. I carried her up the steps to her own room and put her into bed. I don't know what came over me but I decided to snuggle up under her hot pink comforter beside her.

"Hey, Mavis. Wake up."

I opened and Benjamin was hovering over me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"What are you doing? Why are you in Isa's bed?"

"Cus I was sleeping," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Well come on, unless you wanna sleep here all night."

"That doesn't sound to bad," I say laying back down.

"I have more gifts for you."

I knew he didn't but I couldn't help hoping.

"Fine. You got me."

I lead me through the dark hallway to his room. I closed the door behind us and I turned back to face him he pushed me up against the door and pinned me there with his hips. His lips found mine and I was lost in the sensation of it all.

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