Chapter 17

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I woke to a nurse shining a flashlight in my face.

"Sorry hun, I've got to unhook his IVs," she said, apologetic.

"Oh it's okay," I reply, wiping the sleep from my eyes as I try and get out of the bed. She has to awkwardly stand there as I awkwardly try to untangle my self from Benjamin's arms and legs.

After I'm up I sit in the small chair meant for visitors while she takes his vitals and removes one IV from his arm and the other from his hand.

"Will he be okay?" I ask, anxiously.

"Yes, his fracture is quite minor so he will probably make a full recovery in about three weeks to a month. School gets out on Friday for Christmas break right?" I nod, "It's currently 3:47 A.M so it's Thursday. November 30. So yeah he should be at 100% by new years if everything goes smoothly. Same with his breaks."

Praise the lord. I let out a breath of relief I hadn't know I'd been holding.

"You are a very caring wife. Your husband must love you very much."

I think about correcting her but I think better of it, "Yeah, he does."

She walks out of the room writing notes on her clipboard after she told me that someone would be coming in here shortly to transfer Ben to a different room, leaving us alone once more. I lay back down in the bed face to face with a still sleeping Benjamin. He looked confused. His brow was furrowed and he as frowning. Maybe he's having bad dreams. Almost instinctively I reached a hand out and ran it over his hair. His brow relaxed and from lifted up into a small smile before falling in a soft line, his mouth slightly parted. I removed my hand just to see what would happen, when I did the furrow and frown returned as he began to stir and slid his hand across the bed and grabbed mine, the furrow and relaxing one more. Then with surprising strength for a sleeping man he pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist. We were only about two inches apart. His hand progressed slowly down my back to... lower regions and I finally caught onto his act. There is no way this man is asleep.

"Ben, I know you're no sleeping," I scolded. Slowly a ear-to-ear smile split across his face and when he opened his eyes they were bright blue again. That made me smile.

"Because no matter how much a man loves someone there's no way they can set them up for a whole, whatever this is, in their sleep."

"Whatever this is? So you have no idea where I was trying to go with this," he whispered, pushing on the small of back to bring us closer. He is the literal definition of breathtaking.

A look of momentary concern flashes across his face when he asks, "Are you breathing?"

I took in a massive amount of air, "Yes."

"Oh my gosh do I literally take your breath away," he said laughing a little.

"A little bit, yeah," I answered, still lacking breath, "Gimme a second."

I got up from the bed and went over the the clear door and front wall of the trauma room. It was soundproof I think because it seemed chaotic out there but I couldn't hear a thing. I took a deep breath and closed the curtain to cover the whole wall and door, turned around I ran the five steps from the wall to the bed and hopped up on the bed. And before he knew it I was straddling him, my face so close to his out noses were touching.

"Remember to breathe," I joked. Just as I was about to kiss him, I paused and sat up, resting my hands on his chest. I haven't heard it before but there was very chaotic beeping coming from his heart rate monitor. I smirked and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"What can I say," he said smiling, "your contagious." Then before I could say anything , he reached his hand up and brought my head back to kissing distance. I'll never get sick of this man or his kisses. The smallest things he did still drive me insane. When he tucked my hair behind my ear because it was ticking his nose, it made me hysterical. Even being on a hospital he still had the same sweet taste on his tongue as usual. As I ran my hands through his hair he brought both his hands to my waist running his hands up and down my body underneath my shirt. The wanting with him never stopped. Even in the field when I turned him down I wanted him so badly I could have exploded, I just wasn't sure how I would react. Or how he would. I'd tell him that I'm ready now but I don't know if I wanna have sex with him in a hospital bed. He also is on to poor of health for that, most likely. I guess this will suffice for now. Even though I had said nothing about what I was thinking it's as if he knew I wanted more, so he pressed his hands on my back once more deepening the kiss. Even though I felt as if I could kiss him forever I still needed to breathe and you don't breathe through your nose while you kissing that's just weird. So against both of our wishes out lungs forced us apart.

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