Chapter 3

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I did not forget him by the morning, in fact he was all I could think about while I brushed my teeth, curled my hair, ate some Cheerios, and got in my car and drove to school. He was all I was thinking about while I got out of my car and was walking across the parking lot and bumped into a very solid chest.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," I say quickly, looking up, "I totally wasn't looking where I-."

I stopped in mid sentence. Because it just so happens that the person's chest I rudely bumped into, because I was busy daydreaming about Benjamin, belonged to Benjamin.

"Hello," he said, smiling down at me. And yes I said down, he is like a good foot and a half taller than me.

"Hi," I whispered. That's embarrassing. I cleared my throat and said again not much louder but loud enough, "Hi."

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, still more than a little dazed.

"You were doing your little concentration face when you were walking. You know the one where you get a little v between your eyebrows and your tongue sticks out the side of your mouth and you stare really hard at nothing." He described, oddly well. Meanwhile I sat there looking, what I think was, horrified. Or maybe terrified, or disgusted. Probably all of them actually.

He frowned at me and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just very very embarrassed. I've seen my concentration face and it's absolutely revolting." I said looking down, "I'm sorry I bumped into you I was just a little distracted with-," my apology was interrupted by his hand on my chin lifting my face up to look him in the eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not injured and I don't think you are either, so it's alright. Accidents happen. Water under the bridge. And by the way your concentration face is not revolting. I think it's adorable."

I tried to say something but words failed me so I just nodded.

"Now come on," he said, releasing my face, "we gotta get to homeroom or Mr. Williams is gonna be totally pissed at us. Down to walk with me?"

"Sure," I said, my voice cracking. God that's so embarrassing. I'm literally a mess around him. I reach my hand up and brush it over my chin where he touched me. Just the memory of it makes me blush. Oh my god, blush. I can't blush or I'll be flushed all day. Oh shit, now Max is gonna know that something happened and she's not gonna leave me alone until I tell her, this is mortifying. I would have stressed on that more but suddenly there was a hand in front of my forehead and when I looked up a pillar was right in front of my eyeballs.

"Oh, sorry," I said, embarrassed.

"You're apologizing for almost running into a pole?" he said, confused.

"Uh yeah, I guess I am, sorry," I realized I had apologized for apologizing so I said, "oh, sorry." I give up at this point. And I kid you not he laughed. Laughed a laugh that sounded like it came straight from an angle. I felt my face heat up like the surface of a volcano.

"You don't have to apologize, you know, you didn't do anything wrong," he said, seriously, but still smiling. He has the hottest smile.

"Okay, yeah. I'm sor-," I was about to unconsciously apologize again but he raised a finger to my lips to silence me. I opened my mouth to say something, probably sorry again, and he put his whole hand over my mouth. Literal swoon. I could have passed out then and there. I kinda just stood there eyes wide while he explained why I don't need to apologize so much but I was taking in absolutely none of it. How could I with his oddly muscular hand over my mouth.

"Do you promise to stop saying sorry so much?" He asked. I nodded and he reaped my face. I was kind of sad about that, I missed the warmth it gave off. Suddenly the bell decided to rudely ring and make us late to homeroom.

Ran Right Into Him Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon