Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I awoke with pain all throughout my body. I felt like I had fell off a four story building. After my eyes adjusted to the bright light I looked around the room I was in. A hospital... Looking down at my body I saw that I had a bunch of tubes connected to my body, a bunch of bandages on my arms and legs, with so many bruises I couldn't count, I was too afraid to look under my hospital gown.

"Sweetie, your awake!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Looking up I saw my mother as she swooped down and hugged me. I let out a gasp of pain and she went back up as fast as she came down. "Sorry sweetheart, I'm just so glad your alright!" I saw worry in her eyes but didn't look anymore, I was afraid to see tears. 

"I'm okay though," I told her.

"Are you really? Julia wouldn't tell us what happened, she said she wanted you to be with her as she told the police about that night." My mother glanced over at Julia who was asleep in the chair beside me. "She refuses to leave your side, even when her parents tried to pull her away she wouldn't go."

Smiling at my best friend I looked back at my mother. "How long was I gone? And how long was I asleep here?"

"Uhmm... you were gone for.... about... three days? And asleep for two." I saw the tears right before they started to roll down her rosy cheeks. I'd never seen my mom cry before, and seeing it now made me wanna cry.

"That long?" I asked as she nodded. I tried to sit up more but I felt a sharp pain go through my body. Making a face from the pain my mom got up and left. A minute later she came back with the nurse who inserted some medication into one of my tubes. 

The nurse turned to me. "You must be starving! I'll get you some food, and whenever your ready the police wanna talk to you about what happened." I nodded, she was right I felt like I hadn't eaten in a very long time, and I didn't feel like telling anyone about what happened, but I knew it was for the best.

A little bit later after talking to my mom, the nurse came back in with hot soup, crackers, and some juice. I slowly started to eat it then sped up realizing how hungry I was. Once I was finishing up, Julia awoke. I watched as joy came into her beautiful eyes. I pushed back the table as my mom got up and left the room to give us some privacy.

"Anna!" She cried, I could tell she wanted to hug me but held back so she wouldn't hurt me. "I.... I thought you were going to die! I was so scared!"

"Julia... I'm fine, I told you that all along! But... I'm so glad you got help. If not I would of died." After I said that we both broke into tears. She bent down and gave me hug, and I ignored the pain like it wasn't there at all. 

"After all that happened to you.." She wiped the tears away from her eyes. "Your still fine! How do you do it?"

"Julia, I told you. I'm not fine. But I keep those feelings way down, and I keep the hope way up because where would I be without it? No where, lost in depression. I can't let that happen."

"You amaze me..." She said as a two detectives walked in. I quickly wiped the tears away from my own eyes and waited til they came to my bed.

"Hello, Anna. My name is Detective Daniel, and this is my partner Detective Caleb, can we ask you to tell you everything that happened, or is it too soon?" His voice was sweet and reassuring.

"Yeah, right now is fine." I replied and then I remembered something. "Who was that man who picked me up, that told me that the police are on their way?" I asked, how could I forget him. I couldn't remember his looks, they were all a blur but from what I saw, he was quite handsome.

"Oh his name is Zachary." Julia told me, he said he wanted to talk to you when you woke, so he's coming back tonight." The thought of him coming back to talk to me made me feel happy inside. I pushed the feeling down and turned to Detective Daniel and began to tell him everything.

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