He's Mary Poppins

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Peter moved the craft to get away from the incoming Sovereign fleet. A blast rocked the ship and it tilted to the side. Drax, Mantis, Gamora and I all fell out the open door with a yelp. My eyes glowed silver an I stretched out my powers to their tumbling bodies. I grunted as I felt their forces weighing me down. Slowly I turned them, one by one, until they each landed on one of the columns safely. I flung out my hands and felt my energy surround my own body and I slowly lowered myself to the ground beside them.

The ground that we stood on began to pulse with light and I looked over at Mantis.

    "He's coming." She said worriedly.

A body began to form from the others columns and it was shaking everything around us.

    "Didn't you say you could make him sleep?" I asked quickly.

    "When he wants. He's too powerful." Mantis replied terrified. "I can't!"

    "You don't have to believe in yourself." Drax mentioned and I looked at him to see where he was going with his comment. "Because I believe in you!"

    "I believe in you too." I nodded at her.

Mantis looked at the both of us and then looked at the giant forming energy head in front of us. A ball of energy rolled out of his mouth and came barreling towards us. Mantis bent down to the ground reaching for one of the pulsing veins and placing her hand on it.

    "SLEEP!" She demanded forcefully.

We each flinched away as the ball neared but it disappeared as did the energy filled face. Mantis gasped and her antennae glowed still while she kept her hand on the ground.

    "You did it, Mantis." I gasped.

    "I never thought she'd be able to do it." Drax breathed with a big smile. "With as weak and skinny as she appears to be."

I smacked his arm with a glare as I had stood close to him. He turned and looked at me confused as to why I hit him, and why Gamora was also glaring at him from my other side.

    "I don't know how long I can hold him!" Mantis yelled.

    "It's okay, you're doing great." I complimented her quickly and gently. "Just hold him for as long as you can. Guys, we need to help get rid of some of this fleet. Drax, stay with Mantis, protect her."

    "Got it." Drax nodded.

From the ground, Gamora took out her gun and began shooting down Sovereign ships. I lifted my hands into the air and began shooting out blasts of silver starlight feeling it electrify all around my body. Ship after ship fell, but their fleet was as big as ever. In our time taking out the fleet we watched Rocket and Peter fly off towards the planets core. Peter had emerged again shortly without either of the two. He too began blasting at the ships while flying around wearing one of his jet packs on his back.

I hovered the grounds around Drax and Mantis trying to keep the ships from firing at them. Mantis was the only thing keeping Ego at bay for the moment and that was the last thing we needed. To be fighting the Sovereign and Ego. I had just blasted another ship when I saw Peter flying around speaking to everyone.

    "Yo, Yondu! Do you have any... Ow!" Peter grunted as one of the ships flying by clipped him. "Do you have any tape?" Peter groaned getting hit by a blast. He flew closer towards us and hovered in the air near me. "Y/n! Do you have a tape?"

    "What?" I yelled as I shot an incoming ship from behind Peter making him flinch and look behind him. "You know it's hard to understand you with your mask on!"

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