1 Year And Two Months Later

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I was sitting in Peter and I's bedroom putting on my clothing for the day. Luckily we had planned a much needed day off with the crew. The galaxy had seemed more chaotic than normal as we'd been a lot busier in the past year. It was sometimes hard to believe that we had been Guardians of the Galaxy for 4 whole years, but we wouldn't change it for the world.

One thing that had me worried lately though were these terrible dreams. They plagued me an kept me awake most nights. Or I'd wake to Peter shaking me, getting me out of the nightmare to find myself in a cold sweat. He was worried about me, and I mean I was worried about me. But I tried to assure myself they were just dreams. I mean after all how could Asgard fall? How could it be covered in fire and with a giant demon creature be at the center of it all.

Just as I was thinking about my dreams, I heard a strange buzzing. I looked around my room. The transponder wasn't buzzing. What could it possibly have been? I listened closely and I walked to my bedside table feeling the vibrations coming from there. I opened the door and shuffled through the stuff inside until I found my old communications device from my old ship. I clicked the button and the holographic screen appeared flickering.

    "Hello? Hello?" The voice said breaking up slightly.

    "Hello? Yes, I can hear you." I said into it and it started to become clearer.

    "Y/n? Y/n! Ha-ha! Sister, I have finally reached you!" Thor's voice boomed through the device and all I could see was his bearded chin.

    "Thor?! Thor! You're standing to close to the device, you must move. Yep, there now I can see you. Wow, look at you!" I laughed excitedly looking into my brother's face. He looked slightly older with a full beard and his hair was still it's long blonde normal self.

    "Wow, Y/n. You are beautiful! Look at you, you are no longer a pipsqueak." Thor chuckled and I grumbled slightly.

    "Nope, I'm an adult now. It's been a long time, brother. I've tried to reach you over the years but it has failed me." I explained and he nodded.

    "Yes, that would be because I have been unreachable."

    "Wow, thanks for that explanation."

    "I've been on a mission scouring the cosmos for these colorful little stones..."

    "Infinity Stones? Why?" I asked with a frown.

    "You know of them?" Thor questioned me and I nodded.

    "Yes, Thor. Of course. The Aether is one, it's still safely located on Knowhere. The Space Stone is on Xandar with the Nova Corps. The Tesseract is another stone and it should be safely sealed on Asgard. I haven't come into contact though with any other stones." I explained.

    "Hmm, interesting. Have you been having any dreams as of late, sister? Because I have and I need your help." Thor stated.

    "I-I have." I gulped. "I thought maybe it was just me, but if you are too... Then Ragnarok is coming..."

    "No, I refuse to let it. I've seen the path of destruction and it has led me to where I am going now. I'm headed to Muspelheim. I plan to get captured and I will question Surtur myself." Thor announced and I gasped.

    "Uh, do you think that's such a good idea?"

    "It's a great idea." Thor boasted. "Meet me there, sister. Look for Mjolnir. See you soon!" He said cheerfully.

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