We Have To Get Off This Planet

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As I wondered about the halls trying to find my brother's. I happened to knock into someone.

    "Oof." We both groaned.

    "Sorry." I said quickly. When I looked over I noticed I was looking at Valkyrie.

    "Lost are we, your highness?" Val asked with a raised brow and I rolled my eyes.

    "Uh, yes." I scoffed. "I'm in a place I've never been in. Trying to find my brothers once again and with no help. I want to get off this God forsaken planet, and yet it seems as though every which way I turn, I just get more lost than before."

    "Well, that's the specialty of Sakaar. Lost things, keeps lost things lost. You're not gonna be able to get off this planet." She huffed and I rolled my eyes sick of hearing that over and over again.

    "Thank you for that good for nothing reminder." I groaned and I began to walk away from her. She smirked.

    "You're going the wrong way." She called out after me and I groaned in annoyance.

I stood in the hall and pointed. Each pointed direction I tried, she shook her head or verbally told me no. I groaned once again in annoyance and sat myself down on the floor. I laid my head in my hands and sighed.

    "Troubles?" I heard Val ask and when I looked up she was smirking at me. The large weapon she had in her hands she sat down, before bending down towards me.

    "Seriously?" I scoffed. "If you can't help then just leave me be. I'll figure it out eventually or go crazy trying."

    "You're really lost aren't you?" Val questioned me and I raised an eyebrow at her. "You seem more lost than the others. Reminds me a bit of... Well, me." She chuckled and sat down. "I mean, I'd offer you a drink, but..." She referred to my small belly.

    "Yeah, not usually my normal coping method, but if I wasn't pregnant. I'd probably take you up on that." I said with a sigh. "I miss home."

    "Asgard." Val scoffed and I shook my head.

    "No, actually. I miss my husband, Peter. I miss my sister, Gamora. My favorite furball, Rocket. Drax, Mantis, my family and Groot. He's like a son to me and I miss him terribly. Now, on top of being lost, I find out that I'm pregnant and without them. I can't find my own brothers. I've been lost my whole life. Nothing is going the way we planned... and I fear it won't ever."

    "Well, you can't fix anything by simply moping about it, can you?" She scoffed and stood up lending out her hand. I raised and brow and cautiously took it. Valkyrie helped me up from the ground and she grabbed her weapon. "Listen, normally I would have just walked by you and let you sit here and sulk, but it's rather depressing."

    "Gee, thanks." I grumbled.

    "I can see that you've been through a lot, is what I'm trying to say here... I'm not great with words. I'm heading that way anyway. I'll take you to your brother." Val said and I lit up.

    "Oh thank you. That means so much to me."

    "Yeah, don't get used to it." She shrugged.

We approached a large red and white hallway. Valkyrie led me up it and as we got close to the holographic door way I could see, Hulk and Thor inside the room.

    "Thor!" I gasped and ran towards the room.

    "Y/n!" Thor smiled and I crashed into his arms.

    "Thank you." I turned towards Val and she nodded slightly. "Hello, Hulk. It's been a long time."

    "Hulk remembers." He said. "But Hulk trains now. Talks later."

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