Who's Side Are You On?

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I had gone to the back of the ship and called my sister, to inform her to meet me in Xandar. I was debating whether to tell Peter about the larger loot option. But now, he's pissed me off.

I walked back up to the kitchen area of the ship from my room and turned on the tv while preparing myself a cup of coffee.

    "Scattered riots broke out across the Kree empire today protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xandar's Nova Prime." The reporter stated and Bereet walked into the room.

We awkwardly looked at one another and she sat at the table. I sighed as it wasn't her fault. Plus, it wasn't like Peter and I were actually anything more than friends.

    "Would you like some coffee? Perhaps some tea?" I asked softly.

    "I'd love some tea." She replied back with a smile.

I nodded and grabbed another mug from the cupboard and placed a tea bag inside it and filled it with hot water. I walked it over to Bereet and sat down in a chair one away from her. I turned my attention back to the news when Bereet cleared her throat gaining my attention back.

    "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize Peter was In a relationship. I would have never..."

I nearly choked on my coffee. I grab a napkin and wiped my face.

    "Oh, no, no... Peter and I aren't together. Just friends. Don't worry you're not intruding or being a home-wrecker or anything. Okay?" I sigh, gripping the warm cup with both of my hands.

She just smiled back at me and nodded, obviously very happy she wasn't doing any of the things she was afraid of. Peter walked in a few moments later and placed the tape from his Walkman into the larger stereo. Putting on the music. When he looked up and he met my gaze. We held it for a minute before I turned away. I could hear him sigh in defeat.

He walked over beside me and started working on some more plans for what we were going to do after we got all the units from the orb. The tablet on the table started to beep catching our attention. I noticed Yondu's face glow up on it. My breath hitched in my throat.
We're in trouble now. I thought to myself.

    "Peter, you have call." Bereet said softly.

    "No wait! Don't!" Both Peter and I said together as she pushed the button.

She looked at us both apologetically as Yondu's voice rang through and appeared on the larger Tv screen.

    "Quill? Y/n?" Yondu growled through the screen.

Yondu had forced Aren to come clean during my absence about who I truly was. Even though there was a pretty high price on my head he refused to turn me in.

    "Hey, Yondu." Peter said as he slowly turned towards the screen.

    "Oh, hey." I said moving to stand next to Peter.

    "I'm here on Morag. Ain't no Orb. Ain't no you." He said angrily.

    "Well, we were in the neighborhood. I thought we'd just save you the hassle." Peter lied.

    "Well, where you two at now, boy?"

    "I think I speak for us both when I say we feel really bad about this. But we're not gonna tell you that." I stated.

    "I slaved putting this deal together!" Yondu yelled at us both.

    "Slaved?" Peter scoffed. "Making a few calls is slaved?"

    "And now the two of you are gonna rip me off? We do not do that to each other. We're Ravagers. We got a code." Yondu scolded us both.

    "Might I remind you, that code is to steal from everybody?" I pointed out.

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