New Asgard

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Each of us had something to do. Nat was busy tracking down Clint. Tony called in Rhodey. I had called in Nebula and Rocket from space. Scott was sitting outside ready to enjoy his lunch, some tacos when they entered the yard. The engines blew away most of his food. The stairway into the Benatar opened up and Rocket and Nebula came walking out.

"Aunty Nebula!" Noah cried happily. He rushed out from the glass doors and ran towards her and she ran towards him.

"My little partner in crime." Nebula said happily. She picked Noah up and swung him around making him giggle loudly.

"Hey, humie!" Rocket called out towards Scott. "Where's Big Green?"

"The kitchen, I think." Scott said weirded out seeing a talking raccoon and a blue robotic woman.

"Y/n." Nebula said as she embraced me. I hugged her back happily.

"Nebula. It's so good to see you. Are you sure you don't mind watching Noah while I go with Rocket and Bruce?"

"Of course not. He is my nephew after all. When do I get personal Aunty time?" She said and I shrugged.

"That's true. But if you need anything, Tony and Steve will still be here..."

"Y/n. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of this small human and happy too. Anyone else, I would slit their throats for even asking." She pointed out and I sighed.

"I know. Just try to keep the killing talk to a minimum around him, okay?"  I asked and she nodded.

"Rhodey, careful on re-entry. There's an idiot in the landing zone." Nebula said as she carried Noah towards the inside.

Rhodey landed in his War Machine Iron suit nearly next to Scott, scaring the daylights out of him.

"What's up regular sized, man?" Rhodey asked.

"Wait." Noah said just as Nebula was about to walk back inside. He squirmed in her arms until she gave up and let him go. "Mommy!"

"Noah." I called out to him. I bent down to the ground and he ran straight into my arms. "Oh, I love you, my sweet boy. Be so, so good for Aunty Nebula, okay? Mommy will be back soon, I just have to go to New Asgard."

"But why can't I come with you, Uncle Rocket and Uncle Bruce?" Noah asked with a pout and I rubbed my thumb on his cheek. "I want to see Uncle Thor."

"Well, Uncle Thor's place isn't good for little kids, remember? Mommy is going to go get him. Kick his butt into shape and bring him home. Then you'll be able to see him, okay?"

"Okay." Noah sighed. "Hi, Uncle Rocket." He greeted Rocket happily as he wondered over towards us.

"Hey, Squirt. Wow, look at how big you're getting." Rocket pointed out as he embraced his nephew.

"I'm bigger than you now!" Noah giggled and Rocket smiled.

"You sure are."  Rocket reached up and ruffled his hair. He looked over at me. "Princess."

"Furball." I chuckled.

"Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

"Okay, I have to get going. You'll be able to hang out with Uncle Rocket later. Get back to Aunty Nebula. And be good, Noah! Don't give her a hard time!" I called out as he ran back to the compound.

"He'll be fine." Rocket chuckled as he tugged on my pant leg forcing me to go with him.

"I know. It's not so much Nebula that I'm worried about. It's how much trouble Noah will give her." I pointed out as we walked to the ship. "See, lately he seems to have inherited the mischievous side of my family. Just like my brother, Loki."

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