Chitauri Invasion

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I groaned and got up off the floor beside my brother and quickly ran into the hallway. I looked back and forth before picking the direction towards the detention center where Loki was being held. I heard the roar of the Hulk echo throughout the hallways. Loki's plan was indeed in motion and it seemed as though he was going to win. I hated the feeling of disappointing Thor, but I had to stick to my plan no matter the cost.

    "We've got a perimeter breach! Hostiles are in S.H.I.E.L.D gear." An announcement was made over the Helacarrier as I ran towards the detention level.

    "Ah thank you, Y/n." Loki grinned as I entered the room.

    "Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes as I walked over towards the computer systems and disengaged their protocols allowing the doors to Loki's cell to open.

He swiftly walked out and grabbed the scepter from my hands.

    "Now, take me to where the Tesseract is being set up." I demanded.

    "Did you really believe that I was going to simply hand over the Tesseract after this was all over?" Loki laughed as we walked towards the doorway. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him incredulously.

    "Brother, we had a deal." I growled.

    "You are still so naive, 'sister'." Loki spat bitterly. "I didn't come to Thanos to rescue you. I came to Thanos of my own free will. Looking for power, of which I have found. And idiotically I was trusted with it all. I will take over this realm as my own and people will bow down to me like it was always meant to be! I will be in control of the Tesseract and you will watch as your family dies. The family you betrayed us for! You think you're going to be a hero? I think not, sister."

Loki snapped his fingers and I was quickly shoved into the clear holding cell. Which Loki conjured up a illusion of himself to display inside.

    "Loki let me out this instant!" I yelled angrily. "You mean nothing of what you say. That is the power and mind control speaking through you. I will not let your words hurt me."

    "Believe what you will." He nodded.

Loki chuckled from the corner of the room as the bay doors opened revealing Thor. Loki's illusion began to walk through the opening door of the cell and Thor growled angrily.


    "No, Thor wait!" I yelled running towards the opening.

Thor quickly fell through Loki's illusion as he tried to tackle him down, falling inside the cage. His body knocked into mine and we fell to the floor. We were both trapped.    

    "Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asked as Thor and I stood up inside the cell.

    "Loki, let us go." Thor growled.

    "Aren't you going to question why our dear sister is inside the cell with you? She was going to betray you after all." Loki grinned and Thor looked over at me. To which I looked down to the floor solemnly.

    "Then this is another one of your tricks, brother." Thor stated firmly.

    "Oh but it is not, is it, Y/n?" Loki grinned.    

    "Y/n?" Thor asked looking at me. "Tell me he is lying."

    "I-I'm sorry, Thor." I stuttered. "I-I was forced to help Loki. But I was only doing it for my sisters! I have to save them, Thor." I cried out.
His face grew angry and he ran towards Loki, hitting the glass with Mjolnir as means to escape. The glass cracked and suddenly the cage shook.

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