Departing of Heroes

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    We spotted the others on the ground becoming surrounded by the Chitauri. Thor and I combined our lightening and starlight into a powerful beam the zapped the Chitauri around them. Frying them into nothing but dust. We landed on  the ground and both stumbled slightly do to the use of power.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked us.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor relayed to him.

"Thor's right. We got to deal with these guys." Stark relayed through our ear pieces. We looked into the sky to see him being chased down by another leviathan.

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team." Steve stated.

"We have unfinished business with Loki." I told them.

"Yeah? Get in line." The man known as Clint said as he looked at the both of us.

"Save it." Steve said. "Loki's going to keep the fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to..." Steve started to explain his thoughts for a plan when a small engine became louder as it approached us.

    We all turned and looked to see Bruce riding towards us on a small motorized vehicle. He climbed off and walked towards us all.

"So, this all seems horrible." Bruce stated as he looked around at the destruction.

"I've seen worse." Natasha noted.

"Sorry..." He replied sheepishly.

"No, we could use a little worse."

"Stark, we got him." Steve said.

"Banner?" Tony replied.

"Just like you said."

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."

    We all looked into the sky as something crashed. Tony rounded the corner with a giant leviathan still following after him. I stood ready to attack beside my brother.

"I don't see how that's a party." Natasha noted.

    It began to get closer and Bruce began to walk forward as himself.

"Dr. Banner." Steve called out to him. "Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

"That's my secret Captain." Bruce said looking back at him. "I'm always angry."

    Before our very eyes as Bruce turned to look back at the leviathan he transformed into the giant green monster we had heard so much about. I was certainly impressed as the leviathan crashed into him and the Hulk punched the creature's snout. The force cause the creature to fold upwards. I raised my hands as I saw the armor crumbling off it's body. Shooting out a beam of light into the soft spot. It cried out and then a smaller missile landed inside the spot spot and it blew up the creature alongside my powers.

    Thor and I covered each other from the blast. He grinned at me for what I did and I smiled back at him.

"Nice shooting, sparkles." Tony said as he lowered himself towards the ground beside us. "How'd you know where that was?"

"Lucky guess." Thor winked at me and I chuckled.

    Each of us stood together in a circle prepared to fight. The Chitauri creatures roared in anger from around us. The Hulk let out a roar of his own.

"Send the rest." Loki said as he rode in the skies seeing the group of us together.

We all looked up to see more Chitauri and leviathans coming through the portals.

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