The Birth of a Princess

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A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away... No, no. That doesn't seem right. Let's try that again. Ahem, Once Upon A Time... No, that doesn't seem to fit either. Hmm, let me just start of by telling you this story is one of many twists and turns and not so many happy endings. But it does have a happy beginning though, and this all begins like any other. With the birth of a Princess.

There was once a Kingdom that was one of peace and prosperity within all the nine realms. That Kingdom went by the name of Asgard. The King, was a great ruler, a Norse God, named Odin, with a beautiful wife named Frigga. They had two wonderful son's together, one gifted with strength and lightning, and the other rather mischievous gifted with cunning and magic. Their names; Thor and Loki. Odin and Frigga's hearts were full, never knowing what their lives were missing and that was a small piece of starlight.

Blessed miraculously by the ancestor's, never thinking they could even have another child, Frigga fell pregnant. Another child to bare by her husband, Odin. Both parents were thrilled and excited at the prospect of having another child within their home and Kingdom. Thor, excited to become a older brother once again and teach the new child the life of a warrior. Loki on the other hand, was not as pleased. He already felt overshadowed by his slightly older brother and now this new addition was sure to do the same. 

On the night of a convergence, all the stars seemed to align as Frigga and Odin prepared for the birth of their incoming child. When the convergence was at it's peak, a small cry was finally heard from the healer's room through the hallways of the palace. The newly born infant baby was placed on Frigga chest, in her arms. They announced to the King and Queen that the 3rd heir to the throne of Asgard was but a little girl. Frigga was overwhelmed with love and affection for the small child in her arms. She was so beautiful, with small tufts of (Y/H/C) hair, and the brightest of (Y/E/C) eyes that shined like starlight.

"Welcome to the world, our dear little one. My Y/n, Princess of Asgard, Goddess of Beauty and Goddess of the Night and Stars." Odin said softly as he ran his hand over her tiny head. The small child gurgled lightly under his touch and blinked looking up at him.

"She has a title already?" Frigga asked surprised.

"She does indeed. The Ancestor's have looked down and blessed their brightness upon her today and shown what will be her strengths and power." Odin nodded with a soft smile. "She will be beloved by all who meet her and a treasure to unite the realms."

"Indeed she will be." Frigga agreed. She softly rubbed Y/n's cheeks and then smiled up at her husband. "I think it's time for our boys to meet their new sister."

"Agreed, my Queen."

With the wave of his hands the handmaidens escorted inside the two young princes who looked to be around the age of 10. One blonde haired and rather excited and the other black haired and clearly on edge. Frigga smiled at both of her boys as the eldest tried sneaking a peak at the baby in her arm's. Frigga chuckled and gently handed the baby to her husband, allowing him to be the one to introduce them.

"Thor, Loki, this is Y/n. Your little sister. It's your duty as older brothers to look out for her, to protect her, to teach her and guide her. She is a precious gift and a treasure to the realms."

"She is very small father." Thor grunted as he looked over the baby curiously. He was not expecting a sister. He had hoped for another brother to play with.

"It's a baby, Thor. Of course she's small." Loki rolled his eyes.

"She will grow and be of great importance, do not fret my sons." Odin nodded at his children.
"Then I will do my best, I vow to you and to Y/n, that I will protect her and slash any threat that comes her way. I will still teach her to be brave and be a great warrior like me." Thor boasted proudly as he puffed out his chest.

"She is a princess, Thor, she will not be a warrior." Odin reminded him gently.

"Well mustn't she learn to protect herself as well, Father?"

"There is no need as she is safe and well protected here, especially with you both by her sides. What say you, Loki?" Odin asked his other unusually quiet boy.

When Odin returned his gaze to his other son, he was quite surprised to see that the baby was already holding Loki's finger and they were staring at one another. Already entranced by one another's presence. Odin chuckled lightly almost sounding like a small gruff and gently pried them apart. Loki frowned, until he noticed his mother patting her bedside. Once he climbed up next to her, Odin carefully placed Y/n in his arms.

"She's so... Fragile... And Beautiful." Loki added the ending quietly.

"That's right she is. She already seems to be attached to you." Frigga noted, knowing her young son's feelings. Loki looked at his mother surprised and back down at the little girl who's starry (Y/E/C) eyes shined back up at him.

"I suppose so." Loki shrugged his shoulders. Inside his heart it was hammering with excitement, and all he wanted to do was protect the little one snuggling against his chest. "I suppose for a small, pale creature, you're not all that bad, are you? I would rather like to show you what I can do as you grow. I do promise to protect you as well." He coo'd as soft as a whisper. The baby girl seemingly let out a smile and that made Loki smile in return.

"I'd like to hold her too!" Thor boomed, startling the baby, making her cry. "Oops, sorry." He said quietly.

Frigga only smiled and nodded at her son and took the baby from Loki's arm, soothing her back down quickly.

"It's time to feed her, you boys can go now." Frigga stated sweetly. "You're welcome to come back and visit afterwards. We will be down in the nursery."

"I shall be there, Mother." Thor said softly.

"I shall return as well." Loki nodded, hopping off the table.

"She anxiously awaits to get to know each of you." Frigga smiled.

And that's just what they did. The boys visited her everyday. They played with her and loved her with every ounce they had. It was near impossible to dislike Y/n as she had a particular charm to her. To know her was to love her. She was always a warm and inviting presence. She grew to be kind, beautiful, smart, powerful and a bit mischievous like her brother.

Just as they both had promised, Thor and Loki showered her with love and affection, and taught her all about the things that they loved most. All though the Allfather had forbid it, Thor taught Y/n a little about how to fight in sword combat as well as hand to hand. She became skilled quickly as she grew. Loki had been teaching her magic, just as their mother had taught him.

Word Count: 1,254

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