The Devil's Anus

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Thor and I both got up and climbed inside the ship. Thor tried to sit down into the pilot's chair.

    "Uh, Thor. I think after last time being stuck in a flying ship with you, it's best that I pilot this one." I suggested simply.

    "What, it wasn't that bad." Thor scoffed as I moved around him and took the pilot's seat.

    "It was, brother. It was. Remember? Deacaptitaing our grandfather's statue. I'm piloting this time. Plus, not only do I have the most experience." I explained as I started the ship up with ease. "But since I'm pregnant I do not want to be crashing into everything."

I began zooming through the skies with ease as Thor grumbled in the seat next to me. The Grandmaster's hologram appeared in the sky once again.

    "Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder and Goddess of Stars have stolen my ship and my favorite champion. Sakaarians! Take to the skies. Bring them down! Do not let them leave this planet."

Scrapper ships began following behind us, loading their gunfire into the air towards us. Luckily, I was a pretty great pilot. I maneuvered the ship around the gunfire, as well as the tall buildings that built the city of Sakaar. The ship behind us suddenly exploded and another ship came into view. Valkyrie and Bruce were aboard her ship and she had taken them out for us.

    "Open the doors." Val came through our com system.

    "You got it." I said. I bent down and pulled up a lever opening the side doors to the ship.

Val flew underneath us. Bruce was ejected from her ship first, up and into ours. He nearly fell out the other side as Thor laughed, getting up from the passenger seat to help him. Thor wobbled on his feet as shots were fired against us once again. I looked over head to see the right hand lady of the Grandmaster, Topaz, in her own ship shooting at us.

    "Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?!" Bruce exclaimed as Thor pulled him into the ship. Both of the wobbling on their feet trying not to fall out of the open doors.

    "Yes, we should. But I don't think this craft has any!" I shouted back to them. Trying to keep my eyes where I was flying and looking through the control. "Val, any input?!"

    "You'd be correct. There aren't any!" She reported back still inside her own ship. "It's a leisure vessel!"

    "What?" Bruce called out.

    "Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff." She explained.

    "Did she just say that the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?" Bruce questioned.

Thor managed to help him towards the front. He allowed Bruce to take the passenger seat and he held onto the back of my car.

    "Yeah." Thor grimaced disgusted.

    "Oh, god. Don't touch anything." I shivered.

We moved through the sky and I watched as Valkyries ship was hit by Topaz, right in the engine shaft.

    "Hold on, boys!" I yelled.

I yanked the steering wheel and we flew around, moving behind Topaz's ship. She was so focused on Val that she didn't appear to care that we were out of her sight.

    "I'm coming around to get you." I called out to her.

    "Get ready for me." Val replied.

I watched as Valkyrie climbed onto the the top of her own ship with a large pole in her hand. Topaz shot Val's ship making it explode.

    "NO!" Thor and Bruce exclaimed.

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