The Truth Revealed

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I had slowly allowed my racing thoughts to slow and I closed my eyes. When I reopened them a hand was clamped over my mouth and I was being dragged out of my cell by two thugs while another two held Gamora. Both of us started kicking and trying to fight our way out of this but it seemed like the more we fought the more hands joined in to grab us. A knife was held to each of our throats as we finally approached a guard.

   "Let us go!" I demanded, but the knife was pushed closer and I gulped.

    "Where can we kill these two wenches? I want to watch all the blood drain from their bodies and watch the light leave their eyes." One of the prisoners holding me said to the guard.

    "Come on, you seriously can't let them do this!" Gamora scoffed.

    "Take 'em down to the showers. It'll be easier to clean up all the blood down there." The guard smirked looking between us both.

Both Gamora and I screeched at the guard in anger, attempting to fight again but it was still no use. We walked by a cell filled with men's bodies. I peeked inside as we walked by and saw Peter laying in the center of the pile of men prisoners. He looked to be asleep. It was probably going to be the last time I'd ever see him.

Gamora and I were brought down to the showers and shoved against a wall near one of the bigger drains. Daggers pushed against our throats and some others shoved in our faces.

    "Gamora and Y/n, consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy." One of the prisoners spat at us both.

    "Get that thing out of my face you witless worm." I hissed.

One of the prisoners sucker punched my gut and I groaned and coughed.

    "You DARE?" A big grey skinned man with red tattooing that covered his body stood at the entryway. All the prisoners turned in fear and looked on as he started walking towards us. "You know who I am, yes?"

    "Your Drax, the Destroyer." The prisoner said as he moved away from us.

Two prisoners each held us back against the wall as Drax moved closer towards us.

    "And you know why they call me this?"

    "You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions." The prisoners replied.

    "Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter Camaria." Drax responded. "He slaughtered them where they stood and HE LAUGHED! Her life is not yours to take. The other may not be known for working with Ronan, but she's working with her sister and that makes her an accomplice. He killed my family. I shall kill his in return."

    "Of course, Drax." The prisoner nodded. "Here, I..."

I was watching the whole event take place in front of us. The second the prisoners showed weakness we'd move. It was how Gamora and I worked well together all these years, escaping situations like this. As he handed the dagger to Drax, and the prisoners guarding us were so distracted watching, we made our moves. I lifted my arm and smacked it into the guard on my right making her drop her knife. Swiftly I twisted my body to my left and kicked out my foot to the other prisoners stomach using enough force to send him flying across the room.

I turned again so quickly that I grabbed the falling knife as the woman prisoner reached for it. I snapped her arm and she fell to the floor groaning in agony. Both Gamora and I were armed with daggers and we held them against Drax's throat.

    "I am no family to Ronan or Thanos. Neither is my sister." Gamora huffed breathlessly.

    "They're not worth it." I shook my head at my sister and dropped my weapons. Letting them hit the floor with a clang. Gamora followed suit and she dropped her weapons. "If you wish to stop him, maybe we could help each other." I said. Gamora looked at me flabbergasted and Drax let out a yell.

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