A Valkyrie

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The next morning I awoke in a strange room and bed. I sighed seeing the white room with green stripes across it. I really had hoped that it was all a dream. But I was indeed pregnant and stuck here on Sakaar, seemingly with no way out. My supposed to be dead brother, Loki, was still alive and still a pain in my ass. My brother, Thor, was trapped here too, fighting for our freedom against some rage monster today.

As I sat up I felt my belly tighten. When I placed my hand on it and looked down, my once flat belly had a small bump on it. I gasped shooting up from the bed and running over to the large mirror in the room. Waking Loki on the couch by accident in the process. I lifted my shirt and ran my hand over my belly in total awe and shock. Loki had tumbled off the side of the couch having given up the bed to me and he jumped up with his hair strewn around his face.

    "What? What's wrong?" He asked quickly pulling out his daggers.

    "I'm getting fat!" I gasped with a laugh of amusement. Not only at my bump but at my brother's behavior. He whipped his head back to get his dark hair out of his eyes and glared daggers at me.

    "That's what startled you so?" Loki scoffed. But as he looked down his eyes widened. "Oh, dear. You are getting fat."

    "Hey!" I said throwing a cup at him from a table next to the mirror. Loki dodged it and it shattered on the ground. "Only I can say that! You don't call a woman, especially a pregnant one, fat!"

    "Okay, I'm sorry!" Loki gasped as I chucked a hairbrush at him. "Stop throwing things, Y/n! You're making the room a mess." He frowned. "If you're this moody now I'd hate to see you further a long." He grumbled and I threw a small glass vase at him.

Loki kept his mouth shut and grumbled as he cleaned. I got ready for the day and we headed off. Loki led me towards the arena.

    "Stay here... Don't speak to anyone. Odin knows you'd only get yourself locked up or melted with the way you've been this morning." Loki grumbled and I rolled my eyes.

He walked away heading towards the Grandmaster's balcony view seats to persuade him to let us sit and watch Thor's fight. I looked around seeing tons of scrappers everywhere. Some drinking and betting, other's laughing and fighting themselves. There was a large red electrified fence that separated us from the champions. I immediately disobeyed Loki's order and walked over towards it looking for my brother. As I got closer I could see him and a large Kronan conversing. He was basically was a big pile of rocks.

    "Thor!" I shouted as I ran towards them.

The moment he heard my voice he turned around looking for me until he finally saw me. He ran towards the fence and reached through touching my arm gently.

    "Oh, I am glad to see that you're alright. You are alright, aren't you?" He asked worriedly.

    "I am. I'm fine." I assured him. I pulled the picture out from my pocket and gave it to him. He pulled it back into the cage with him and looked it over.

    "Oh, Y/n." Thor said softly smiling at the sonogram. "Congratulations. I never even got to perform the blessing ritual of life on you... Alas, I'm still upset that you're married, but I am thrilled to become an Uncle. I swear on my life, I will get the three of us out of this and maybe Loki as well."

    "Thor, you must be careful today. I heard the Champion is strong and has gone unbeaten for years. He is said to be unbelievably savage and I don't want to see you get hurt, or worse, die." I mentioned worriedly.

    "I won't, dear sister." Thor grinned cockily.

    "Thor! Who's this lovely maiden?" The Kronan asked as he approached.

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